The Scene: Sky Bar. Mondrian Hotel. Sunset Strip. Hollywood.
Not trying to steal the thunder from the upcoming movie, White Out. But just LOOK at this picture! LOOK at it people!
Have you ever in your life seen so much white-hotness in your life? This is what it is like, here in the big fishbowl that is Los Angeles, people! That’s right – the City of Angels.
(Our seats for the remainder of the evening – after being moved around – were to the LEFT of this picture, at the end of the pool, under a tree! Awesome!)
Rumor had it that even RYAN SEACREST was in attendance. Can you spot him? HA HA. Yep! The place was CRAWLING with A-LISTERs I tell ya. Ha! (Actually, it was so packed, it is highly likely it was – but we stayed in our corner, and had the cute waitresses bring things to us. It was the life! Ha ha!) But rest assured, Ryan was as hot looking as everyone else, if he was there. Speaking of American Idol (ha! shameless search engine ploy here), can you BELIEVE about Ellen DeGeneres? I think that’s an AWESOME choice! HA!
I have to say, though, the absolute HOTTEST couple there had to be – uh – well – hellOOOOO! Me and my man, M. C. Nugget of course!
If you are new here – WELCOME! Glad to have you! But, just so you know, I don’t divulge any of my friends’ or family member’s identities here in Ms. Cheevious-land! You can find out more about the characters I talk about on my “About This Blog” page.
But stop the presses here. I must take a moment to compliment the Sky Bar. We arrived early – in fact we were among the first to arrive and the last to leave. My friend – who is the manager and was so kind to include us on the list – greeted us so warmly at the door and walked us in, letting us know we could have whatever lounge area was not already reserved. We found that most were reserved, and if they weren’t, unless we wanted to order bottle service at $350.00 minimum, we’d have to move.
They were so accommodating and handled things so well – they had the PERFECT guy handling the tables, and he kindly moved us from one hot spot to the next (twice moving us), until we landed at a very awesome spot under a tree with twinkle lights – pool side. It was VERY FUN!!!
So, that’s it kids! That’s all I got! Sorry – but it’s now FOOTBALL SEASON! For goddssakes people! And this year, I joined Nuggie’s football pool, so I have a vested interest!
But tune in next week for at least one of the other zany Hollywood experiences I have to dish on (Sunday football at Baja Cantina, a Hawaiian-themed wedding in Malibu, or the night at the BIKINI BAR! WOO HOO!). It’s a great life, people – and SOMEBODY’S got to live to tell about it – so I’m here for ya’.
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
VERY fun!!! So tell me, did you actually buy a costume for M.C. Nugget??? You two are HILARIOUS!
That is SO funny you mentioned that! I JUST noticed that MC is already dressed in WHITE! How perfect is that? hee hee.