How it Works
I am the original Ms. Cheevious, but I am thrilled to have cultivated a culture that enables and encourages women to be strong… to be proud of themselves as they are, in their sexuality, and happy in their own personal beauty; determined to create a life they want. These are all Ms. Cheevious Girls. Men can be and are mischievous as well. We love them here. And yes, there can be Ms. Cheevious Men – (should we call them Mr. Cheevious?) but that is a whole other story.
These Ms. Cheevious Girls can and do break free (all the time, in fact) from lives they never hoped for or wanted. They can and do LIVE and ENJOY every moment. They are all of the above (happy, sexy, beautiful, successful, strong) and pursuing their dreams with fierce determination.
Enough said.
“Ms. Cheevious is charmingly quirky, entertaining, and above all… addictive. Lisa Jey is hilariously zany one moment, then surprises us with insightful and candid revelations about herself and the meaning of life in L.A. Inspiring, relevant, and laugh-out-loud funny — it’s a must read!”
Jennifer Maurer, Senior Writer & Operations Manager, Popstar.com
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What Happens in Ms. Cheevious-Land STAYS in Ms. Cheevious-Land
Before you read any further, heed this warning: Ms. Cheevious-Land is not for everyone. In fact, it’s probably not for you. No, really. I’m serious. Leave now, while there is still time. Nothing here is safe. Nothing is sacred – – nothing… well… except perhaps the value of the individual, of life and ofpersonal respect. If you are looking for a microcosm of social mores you’re accustomed to, or what you’ll find everywhere else on this god-forsaken internet, turn back now. You will not find that here. If you think you will find posts full of internet memes copied and shared the world over prior to landing here, you are seriously mistaken. Don’t read any further. I mean it. Go away. RIGHT NOW.
If you’re still here – you stay of your own volition. What is acceptable, even sought after out “there” may not apply here.
The things you read in here will challenge you (well- – if they do not challenge, you… they’ll probably dumbfound or stump you for sure). But you will read and learn things that may shock or infuriate you, or make you want to run around your desk, kitchen or pilates studio shaking your fist in the air shouting “WHY GOD? WHY?”.
But despite all that, I maintain it is all worth it. You probably will not agree. So again, you should leave now, while there is still time. If you stay, I cannot be held responsible for the change that may overcome you.
That is all.
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Cast of Characters.
The names below are fictitious and random. If you figure out someone’s real name and reveal it, I will hunt you down (after I’ve edited your comments). Any similarity to actual people or events is purely coincidental. Swear.to.god.
Ms. Cheevious – ME – Lisa Jey Davis
Fred the Wonder Chicken (FWC) / M.C. Nugget aka Emcee Nugget – a love interest of Ms. Cheevious – A HOT, SEXY LOVE INTEREST. Successful actor, writer and producer in Hollywood.
Bacall – a female friend and client of Ms. Cheevious (and Bogey’s LOVE) – a successful writer, actor and singer/songwriter.
Bogey – a male friend and client of Ms. Cheevious – a successful writer, actor, producer, director and musician. Also M.C. Nugget’s best friend.
Britt – Ms. Cheevious’ gal pal and partner in crime during much of her Ms. Cheevious in Hollywood antics! Someone she’s know for a very long time, who’s like family.
Kit Kat – a cousin of M.C. Nugget, and friend of Ms. Cheevious. Kit Kat appeared in “Goose Hunting on the Farm“
Sheila – one of Ms. Cheevious’ best friends (not her real name)
Spy Glass – a man Ms. Cheevious dated once apon a time – named for his big job at Spyglass Entertainment.
Stealth – a good friend of Ms. Cheevious – a MONDO athlete who lives in Moab, UT.
The Abyss – a big giant purse owned and utilized by Ms. Cheevious, whence all good things were lost.
The Mini Abyss – Abyss Junior. Enough said.
The Big Screen – the Big Screen gets credit here, because, well, it’s alive. It is the iMac computer from which Ms. Cheevious hammers out the blogs, records the vlogs, edits the comedic videos and communicates with everyone. Though vital to her life’s work, the Big Screen has also become a drug to Ms. Cheevious. Often times blamed for non-sequiturs and attention lapses, the Big Screen has a place in the annals of Ms. Cheevious-land.
Ms. Cheevious – Bringing Mischief to the Masses
A weekly peek into the zany world of Lisa Jey Davis, and a slew of other mischievous men and women around the globe!
SUBSCRIBE HERE (or on the top right corner of any page on the blog) to receive new blog post announcements, information on speaking engagements in your area, news of the book’s publishing status, tele-seminars for single ladies, moms, and more!!
Check out Ms. Cheevious’ (aka Lisa Jey Davis’) personal Website, and the award-winning, book by Ms. Cheevious herself, Lisa Jey Davis: ”Ms. Cheevious in Hollywood“