Hmmm… never heard “The bamboozle is strong in that one” mentioned on a Starwars movie or show? Well, that’s interesting. Perhaps you’ve heard of me making up phrases that have been ripped off from pop-culture? I know I’m off by a word… It should be “The bamboozle is strong WITH that one.” But sheesh, that is a long ass title.
In other news (and the above will make sense in a minute), I have an announcement to make, and THIS, my friends, is MAJOR.
After about seven years of fun and frolicking, M.C. Nugget and I have decided it’s time to tie the knot and continue the fun and frolicking, officially (if that’s even possible).
Though I am technically going off the market my lovey doves, this does not mean I will discontinue to reveal my secrets from the dating world. Pfff! Married people still go on dates. So, this does NOT mean things in Ms. Cheevious-land will come to a screeching halt. And considering Nuggie and I have been living together for about five years, and I’ve still been able to maintain some semblance of humor about dating, fun, life and it’s crazy moments… well there you go. I’ve bamboozled you this whole time (insert evil laugh).
This leads me to a little conversation Nuggie and I had last week. I was complaining once again about chicks (not the baby chicken variety, but CHICKS, people. WOMEN. GIRLS.). I was complaining because chicks are such high maintenance. (yes… you can tweet that if you must). It’s probably why I don’t have many female friends. They come into my life, and then seem to promptly exit when the shit gets real. I simply don’t have time for Flaky McFlakelsteins, or Neurotic McNeurotic-al-Stiltskins… and I definitely don’t have the patience for anyone who doesn’t work to change or improve their lives (and stop being loony). Plus, there is that whole “how can you soar with eagles, when you’re surrounded by turkeys” thing I like to keep in mind.
I don’t always get it, but women constantly show me just how neurotic and touchy they can be. You can’t ALWAYS blame hormones ladies! Come ON.
It’s like it’s hardwired into them to short circuit regularly. They’re just so FREAKING touchy. I am ONE OF THEM, and even I can’t figure them out! Poor GUYS! (you can tweet that one too)
So, I’d been through some sort of nonsensical dramatic discussion with a gal pal, and was whining about it (the female irony doesn’t escape me here… me, neurotically complaining about chicks and their weird neuroses), when I said, exasperated, “CHICKS!”
To which Nuggie replied, “You’re preaching to the choir here.”
The rest of our little exchange went something like this (and yes… we rip off Star Wars whenever we can):
Nugget: But you aren’t like other chicks, baby! That’s why we’re doing this WEDDING thing. You Bamboozled me!
Me: No… I bamboozled you for the KEY… (I was the first female to ever have a key to Nuggie’s apartment)
Nugget: Heyyyy… you’re right. Your bamboozle is strong…
Me: You mean, “The bamboozle is strong in that one?”
Nugget: Yes… but it’s “The Bamboozle is strong with that one.”
Yes, even Yoda would be proud. And now… a wedding. And yes… pigs do fly.
(insert evil laugh)
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Blog content copyright 2015, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms.Cheevious.
It is always a question of who bamboozled who? I remember my high school history teacher telling us that life is simple when viewed properly. Boys, you chase a girl until she is ready to catch you. Girls, remember it is like a track meet, a boy can only run so long, so far – and there are always spectators who might catch his eye. Congrats on the nuptials – this will definitely be a Hollywood wedding of the season.
Awwww thanks Bob!!! Love ya!
First, congrats. And some advice to Nuggie from a fellow guy: don’t try to bamboozle a woman. It just can’t be done.
HA! Scott! You crack me up! But M.C. said that’s way above his pay grade anyway!! LOL
I’m so happy for you!!!! Congrats! As for the chick comment – it’s why growing up I also had more guy friends and my few girlfriends are just like me in the sense that we are not these emotional messes. So happy for you!
Congratulations! My hubby and I just celebrated 46 years of wedded bliss and we dated for 3 years prior to the wedding. If you can date that long and still get married, you have a good shot of lasting. Of course it takes a good sense of humor, which you prove to possess. Hope you enjoy your party.
Awe thanks lady! XO
Congratulations! And no way will I comment on your comments on women.
Just don’t Charles. It’s safer that way. LOL
I think the bamboozle began when M.C. Nugget’s lease was threatened and you two ended up at the court house. LOL. Seems like you two are a good match,
ONISHA! You are so right! And MC Nugget says “HECK YA!!”
That was just too stinkin funny . . . you Bamboozler, you!
Congratulations – brilliant post too!
James — all I can say is likewise, after reading that ^^ post!
Good luck on the wedding and if history repeats itself, you do have a chance at a fulfilling relationship and marriage. I suppose the men in the audience would like a woman who calls herself a chick and doesn’t like other women, but I think with maturity you will perhaps learn to love yourself as a woman and thus other women, who can be firm and fierce girlfriends and get you through a lot of shit.
Oh I love chicks, women, girls, gals, whatever you want to call them! They’re my sisters. And I actually do love myself. It’s taken some time, willingness to learn and grow and bend, but I am very comfortable in my own skin and can laugh at myself too, (which I highly recommend). I’m one of the fiercest, strongest, most confident women around (so I’m told). So it’s not about not liking women, or accepting or allowing their awesome fierceness and confidence into my life. It’s about women (those I’m talking about) who fall into ruts of whining, complaining and being neurotic and not listening to other fierce, strong, smart women (like ME) around them, who actually have something to offer THEM. They’ve given to me when I needed, AND I LISTENED. It should be reciprocal, otherwise, they’re either neurotic, insecure themselves, or possibly narcissistic … So you see Kenna… you have to know me and read more of these posts before assuming I don’t like other women. PERIOD.