If you don’t have time to click and view a bunch of stinkin’ links and you have time for nothing else today, I would love for you to skip to the bottom to see a very important thing I enjoyed this week, from my friend Manolis: SHINE.
– Steve Martin & The Steep Canyon Rangers (and Edie Brickell)
I don’t remember if I told you that M.C. Nugget and I went to see Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers with special guest Edie Brickell at the Hollywood Bowl recently. We weren’t sure what to expect, but it was part of a “jazz” package I bought Nuggie for his birthday. It ended up being one of our favorite nights thus far in the series, though they’ve all been fab. I heard through a friend that the entire ensemble played on David Letterman that week, so I searched it out. I was pleasantly surprised to find there is actually an album with both Steve & Edie called “Love Has Come for You.” It’s one of the things I enjoyed this week, and I think you may enjoy it too.
– Is gold in your grill a “thing” now?
You’d be surprised what I run across while sitting in front of the BIG SCREEN. This peeked my interest, but ACK. Who thinks GOLD on your teeth (or glitter, diamonds, whatever) is appealing? To be honest, I think I’ve seen these, and my first thought was not Oh.My.God. How quickly can I get one of those gold caps on my front tooth? My first thought was Major tooth problem, and they couldn’t afford a porcelain cap, so they went for gold. Awe poor millionaire celebrity… And THEN I thought, Whew! So glad that is not me! I would DIE without my strong teeth, or my ability to eat my Cookies by Designcookies any time I want! If you do follow the link, you’ll see how WAY out of the loop I was on this. Who’dda thunk the bling-masters of the Universe would introduce bling for our teeth? But they did. And, well…let’s just say, a few people do NOT need to draw attention to their grill. Me? I have a fabulous grill, if I do say. So, after much thought… my dentist appointment is SET.
And if you do NOTHING else… if you click NO OTHER LINKS this week, I would like you to click the following:
– “Shine” by Manolis Paschalidis
Manolis Paschalidis is a guy I’ve come to know and love from Greece. GREECE… for all its beauty and culture is sadly the place where turmoil, violence and unrest has become the norm. I’m sad to say that GREECE puts the unemployment we’ve seen in America to shame. It’s the place where the term “down turn” glibly thrown around here in recent years, when used while talking to a Greek person, is an insult. It’s even more harsh than throwing salt onto a wound … it’s more like taking the steel spikes from a pair of stilettos like these:
affixing them to a baseball bat, and bashing and thrashing those spikes into that wound. It’s just like THAT.
I’d wager a bet most Grecian people would happily swap hardships with any American.
Manolis and I have never met in person. Our relationship is quintessentially that which began and was cultivated solely through social media. We met on YouTube. When I started vlogging a couple of years ago, Manolis was one of the first to watch and comment. I know that if I ever post a video on YouTube, “M” as I’ve come to call him, is there soon after with a comment.
Let that sink in. He actually WATCHES each video in its entirety and comments. And he doesn’t just say something like “great video,” no. Manolis will quote things you’ve said in the video and LOL it or talk about it. THIS IS EXTRAORDINARY. Because of this, he’s developed a very supportive and loyal following on YouTube and in other social media realms (of which, I am included). Check him out on YouTube. BUT NOT YET. First check out his album “SHINE” and pick up a copy, or at least a single. Let me know you did in the comments. I’d appreciate it, and I know a guy over in Greece who will be blown away.
These are some of the things we enjoyed here at the Ms. Cheevious Chocolate Grotto this week. Enjoy your upcoming week people! Don’t forget I am here blogging every single day on the #DailyMischief, and only one post a week goes to the subscription list (this one included). Nuggie is also providing a photo of his choosing every day for the #DailyNugget. You actually have to visit the site to read these posts, and believe me… you don’t want to miss them. Enjoy.
Love you people!!!! Mmmmmmmppphhhuuuhhh!!!!
Ms. Cheevious
aka Lisa Jey Davis
Editor in [Mis]Chief
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Great stuff! I’ve loved Steve Martin as an entertainer for years. Brilliant man! And Shine is awesome! Listened to some of those samples and there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be hearing that music on the radio very soon 🙂
Yep – Steve Martin has been an all time favorite entertainer of my beau’s for years as well… it was so great to see him… and astounding to see that he has also become an accomplished banjo player. OY. We should all be so talented… and yes Manolis’ is so talented and we LOVE him!
OMG – just watched the you tube video of IN HIS IMAGE- it’s AMAZING – Manolis- what an amazing voice and the music is great – I am definitely checking out his other stuff now – thank you so much for bringing him to us.
Right @elysesalpeter:disqus? We love him too. thanks for your enthusiasm! XO
I love Manolis! He comments on my VLOGs all the time, and has become a great friend! xxxooo
I’m glad I was “forced” to listen to the music. Actually, I read the whole post and kept wondering when I’d reach THE section. I listened to “Smile” and was reminded of music I would listen to back in the late 60s. Thoroughly enjoyed it and hopefully, when I get a few coins, will purchase it.
ahhh… thank you Bob! I’m sure Manolis would be so thrilled! And thanks for stopping by! XO
I watched Manolis video and it was so incredibly good! Loved it and I was happy when you first shared it with everyone. As for gold teeth – I have no words. I do have a thought though. Celebrities seem to exist in a different world – with a different perception than the rest of us. They really have no clue what normal is. How could they when they are constantly lauded for their crazy behavior and idolized in magazines for their every antic? Hard to really know what is everyday reality and what isn’t.
Thanks Elyse! You actually commented here earlier! LOL But thank you – and yes…. many celebs are out of touch.