Before you get your panties in a bunch, just know I am quoting a very famous song by a VERY famous artist. You know the one “LMFAO”? Hasn’t everyone heard of him/her/them? Ha ha.
Well, chances are by the time you read this, I WILL be in Miami! Bee-otches! 🙂
M.C. Nugget bought the airline tickets the MOMENT his glorious Saints won the NFC Championship game. We don’t have Superbowl tickets, but we’ll be in the MIX baby! YAY!
So, today is Friday, and I am in a huge frenzy, of course to get everything done. And, being the consummate multi-tasker that I am, I’m not only writing my blog, but guess what? I’m training my new intern Chanda. Everyone say “hi” to Chanda – who is sitting here watching me type. lol
Chanda is also a blogger, and has recently made the transition from her old blogging format to a blog where she can post ads and things. I’m showing her how to do that. Pay her a visit at http://www.thyroidchronicles.net– and see what she’s got to say about getting and staying healthy if you have a thyroid condition. Yesterday’s post was about not using microwaves. I know. Fat chance here, but hey – if it will get you healthy, I’ll bring my Bunsen burner.
So anyhow, you can imagine what sort of frenzy I’m actually in, heading to Miami – the land of beautiful, tan bodies, and no fat. Hey – I’m all about that – but what to wear? I can’t just meander around Miami in Nuggie’s giant Saints Jersey all day. So I thought – ‘hey… maybe I can find a Saints bikini!’ ha ha. So, I perused this site that I always go to – and low and behold they had 10% off on all Roxy Swimwear. In case you are new (welcome, if so!), I wear Roxy bikinis and board shorts. Here’s a pic from me in Sayulita Mexico:
So without further adieu, here is the link to get your very own Roxy Bikini and whatnot (and trust me… I get a little somethin’ somethin’, but it won’t cost you any more than if you went there yourself)!
Insert shameless plug here: Get 10% off all Roxy swimwear and clothes at IslandSurf.com. Code: Save 2009
As far as what we’ll be actually doing in Miami? Well, attending any party that will have us, of course, and causing all kinds of trouble! What else?
Stay tuned to hear all about it next week!
Okay – so back to my list of one thousand things to do now! Item number 3: Train Chanda the intern on inserting links into her blog. Check! Only 997 more to go!
That’s all I got for you people! If you happen to see me running around in Miami in a Saints bikini, well – say hi, would you! ha ha! GO SAINTS!
Have a fabulous Superbowl weekend everyone!
Love you people! Mmmmmmmphhhuuhhh!!!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
you lucky bee-otch… nice to have a man with air miles…. haha
well have fun at parties – we want all the gossip — take good pictures of M.C. doing the Who dat dance when his Saints win the Superbowl.
Go Saints
Yeah Baby
who dat?
we dat!!!!!
Have a great time! Wish I could be there too! What fun!
Kris – we got some good photos – turns out. You’ll be happy to know… they’re posted on my FACEBOOK page. xo
Shelly – THANKS for stopping by and posting a comment! I wish we could have been surrounded by all our friends, blog people, LA peeps — you name it! What fun THAT would have been! xo