Yes, PLEASE, for GODSSAKES, stop your ‘splainin’ Lucy, because I’mma getting tired of picking up the pieces.
I’m talking to myself, of course. And herein lies the article in which I proclaim that while my hilarious tales of Lucille Ball-esque adventures are fun and all (for the story-telling and the reading), they’re not nearly so fun in real life.
Here’s the story …
I recently joined a new friend (someone I met at the Facebook and Twitter conference in San Francisco earlier in June), fellow blogger Melany (of MelanysGuydlines.com) and a few of her friends to celebrate her birthday in Hollywood. I don’t do Hollywood much anymore these days, since I now live at the beach. It’s a huge trek, and the parking is astronomical on a Saturday night. But alas, I needed some girl time, and was actually looking forward to hanging with Melany, so… trekky I became.
My day leading up to this was not one for the list of hallmark moments (to put it kindly). One of my sons, whom I normally love, behaved in such a way that I unleashed a scream on him that I generally reserve for — oh — let’s say plane crashes.
I decided after that to arrive early to the party (and arranged with Melany and company to do so as well for a pre-party toast)… I like Melany and all, but after the day I had, I was suddenly looking forward to a martini.
There were a number of things that destined this evening to fail for me: a) I parked too far away. I’m out of practice, and have taken on M.C. Nugget’s habit of parking a “little” further in order to save a buck. In this case it was five bucks, so I parked somewhere and started walking before I realized it was about a quarter mile. I hoofed it in heels; b) the altercation with my son put a damper on everything; and c) I’d mistaken a warm balmy day at the beach for what I thought would be a warm balmy night in Hollywood, and arrived in a halter top and no jacket. It was f-ing cold.
When my martini arrived so did the champagne Melany’s mother “phoned in” for our little group. Fun times ensued…
You’ll be proud to know that even in my darkest hour, I did not imbibe irresponsibly. I had my one martini and a few sips of Champagne. When the party decided to make a move, I was ready to call it a night. I got in their car with them, thinking their next destination, The Rainbow on Sunset, would bring me closer to my car… WRONG. The Rainbow is way past where I parked. But this is Sunset Blvd on a Saturday night people. You do not “turn a car around.” So they pulled over and I flagged a cab back to my car.
And then, I was bamboozled by a cabby.
He took me down the block, for all of five bucks (so much for my five dollar parking save), and I handed him a twenty. I was distracted, looking into the hotel lobby (think, “ooohh… pretty lights over there!”) when the cabby scoffed in a huff, pulled out five singles, and said “This is all I have” (which is BULLSHIT now that I think about it). I somehow confused what I’d just handed him and said okay, “keep one single.” And so I walked away from the cab sixteen dollars poorer.
This is where I should have cried and said “Ricky! He caught me off guard! He…. he…. he STOLE from me, RIIIICKYYYY!!!”
But instead I texted M.C. once I was back to my car and realized the fiasco that just occurred. Then I drove home in an angry “Don’t frack with me” rage. Not a great end to an already Sucky McSucklestein day.
Sorry. I know. I could have shared my tale in a light-hearted, “Oops! What a dumb blonde I was” fashion…The Lucille Ball comparisons could have remained intact, as you pictured my cartoon-esque figure dizzily bouncing around Sunset Boulevard. But alas, I’m still out sixteen dollars. It’s times like this I want to kick myself in the arse and say “FOCUS lady! FOCUS!”
Then M.C., my night in shining armor called me and said “Where do you want to meet me. I’ll buy you a drink.” My hero.
I’m now a reformed Lucy. I will never be bamboozled by a cabby again. You can COUNT on it.
Love you people!!!! Mmmmppphhhuuuhhhh!!!!
Ms. Cheevious
aka Lisa Jey Davis
Editor in [Mis]Chief
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So glad I live somewhere that doesn’t require cab rides! Next time you get in one, snap a picture of their registration plaque with your phone “just in case” 😉 Then when they try to swindle you, you can send the pic to the home office LOL
Oh believe me Alan… I was STEAMING and wished I had a photo in that moment! So freaking annoying! LOL!
Oh My God, what a bad night! (well, except for the nice girl times) – I feel for you – it’s amazing how many other things can all together influence your entire evening. Note to self – carry a big pocketbook with flats in it and a cardigan sweater, only carry $10 bills with you and the kids, well, kids will be kids – can’t control them. 🙂
ahhh yes… hind sight is always like damn X-RAY vision. Thanks love!
Oh my goodness girlfriend! I’m so sorry that happened to you! Now it’s time for you to simply pamper yourself. Get a massage, sip some hot tea, get a massage, and forget about it!
thank you Luann! I think I will !! LOL
Oh, that is a sucky evening, and cab driver. It’s making me think of what happened last weekend. My sister, brother-in-law, and a friend were robbed at gunpoint leaving a restaurant in Oakland on a busy street. After they handed the muggers their wallets and cell phones, one of the muggers noticed my sister’s satchel and demanded it. As she slipped it off her shoulder, she told them it only had leftovers. They turned away, walking away without the bag, and my sister, for reasons she can’t even fathom, yelled after them, “Don’t you want my leftovers?”
Oh that is priceless Elise… not the robbery or the gunpoint, certainly, but that last word. I LOVE it. GOOD for her!
Oh no! I am so sorry you got ripped off! What an ass! Had so much fun with you and so happy that you joined in. I have a feeling will be having plenty more good times – and I will never let you get in a cabby like that ever again! xoxo
Awe sweetness @melanyb12:disqus! I could squeeze you – you are so sweet! LOL Thank you and believe you me, your party was the highlight! XOXO
i love getting these in my inbox every week. keep it up! sorry your night sucked…
thanks May… I’m glad you do! 🙂 I will most definitely keep it up!
OMG. I hate taxi’s. Always feel ripped off. Sorry to hear, and sorry you had a fight with your kiddo :/
Yeah that sucked. Thanks Jude! XXOO
This is why I rarely go east of Lincoln……
haha – but you were even further east then I was Nuggie! LOL
I’ve been away with no electronics a long time – We’ve been in Mammoth and up to Oregon in our 1978 VW camper. Sorry for your bad cloud day but the silver nugget lining is true to the adage. My recent grief was the van’s 35 year old fuel injector system blowing a couple vacuum hoses somewhere between Susanville and McCloud requiring about $80 for a rented car, $85 for towing, and $90 for putting in a couple hose clamps. Still cheaper than a new car but always a remote surprise. When will the book be at Amazon? Best to you and yours.
hello Eaeme! long time!! Good to hear from you! Sounds like your grief wins… haha. My Aha Moments Yoga book is already available on Amazon (e-book), but the others hopefully THIS year! I keep getting some new thing happening that delays it, but all good “new things” – so I’ll keep everyone posted! Yay! you’re back!