As promised, my lovelies, I’m pleased to present episode 2 of Mammoth Mountain Moments. It’s a very clever (if I do say so myself) foray into the world of the brains behind the Ms. Cheevious brand… and all under the guise of Apres Ski drinks, and revelry. It’s true! In the blink of an eye, you’ll be talking “Brand Equity” and “Funny Factor” in the same sentence, and still sound like an expert. Pretty nice, eh?
I do a pretty good job of setting this video up for you, but suffice it to say… it’s worth the watch! And tune in until the very end, where I have a GUEST VOICEOVER artist present my little “lesson.” Can you guess who it is? HA! Please enjoy it, and then follow-through and post comments on Youtube, as well as here on the blog. It’ll take — ohhhhh, three minutes out of your life – but then, your witty charms and pithy remarks will go down in internet history! People will be clamoring to know who wrote that TOTALLY RAD comment. It’s so very true. Can’t wait to launch your pithy remarks internet career and see where it takes you! 🙂
If your email or browser doesn’t allow views of the video above, please click here (or go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSX_AF-6WDo&feature=g-upl).
Oh, and, by the way, I am doing perfectly well and recovering FANTASTICALLY, after the first stage of my surgery I underwent this past Monday, December 5th, also mentioned in my post “I’m Too Sexy for My Genes“. I got an A+ for how things could go in surgery, and an A+ upon my first after-surgery visit to the doc’s office. She was quite pleased. If all goes according to plan, Nuggie*, and I will be boarding a plane to New England for Christmas next Monday. If it does NOT, well, we’ll be decking the halls of the Beach Palace. I’m banking on all going according to plan, but stay tuned for more on that!
For those of you who still enjoy READING, here’s for you gals and gents in the event you ever deal with this: My List of Tips for the Post-Surgery, Near-the-Holidays Blues:
- One word. SWELL. In other words, something you won’t feel… unless of course you relegate the word “SWELL” to it’s literal definition: A huge amount of puffiness, due to an undue amount of fluid retention. Oh, your entire body will feel and look years younger. Yep. No wrinkles or anything, because you’ll retain SO MUCH FLUID, your skin will feel as though it’s about to POP from the stretching and the swelling. No wrinkles, my lovelies, but no guarantees on no stretch marks afterward either!
- MEDS & SIDE EFFECTS. If you have any allergies to antibiotics on the books, well, just PLAN to add RASH and ITCHY-BODY to the mix. There is a good chance you’ll be allergic to at least ONE of the meds prescribed in order to help you heal afterward. This will further increase the effects of item #1, because we all know that when we rash-out, we also blimp-up.
- DIET. Don’t eat foods containing enormous amounts of CHEESE the day or night before surgery. Just don’t.
- GOOD OLE GRANDMA. Plan to wear your granny clothes for at least two weeks, because nothing else will fit or look decent..
- HOLIDAY ATTIRE. Start planning weeks ahead of time what you can wear to that one holiday or Christmas gathering… do so in a vain attempt to try and fool others into thinking you’re the same old you, and you did NOT just undergo a major procedure. And, although you’d normally be wearing your skinny jeans or mini-skirt and sexy top with stilettos, it was a FASHION choice to don the Black turtle neck, long loose skirt, high heeled boots and festive jewels. Because, well, it IS all the rage… somewhere. The new sleek departure from your usual fashion statement should help distract sufficiently from what I like to call your “surgery center” – in my case, the newly formed BULBUS boobies protruding from my body, and the puffed out arms, legs, fingers and toes — there normally to help me manage life, but will barely help me squeak around the Christmas Tree this year.
- SMOOTH MOVE. With much Pain Medication comes much Constipation. HA! No. That IBS won’t come in handy now. Eat healthy stuff afterward so you can – ehem – “eliminate” things when you need to. Oh! And repeat after me: Stool Softeners are Your Friend.
- NURSES CAN HELP YOU. When your hot man or lady offers to “nurse” you back to health, say YES. And let them. Just pretend they are wearing a Chippendale’s or Playboy Bunny costume, and let the medications take over. You’ll be drooling in your sleep in no time …and, you can claim it’s all due to hot dreams and fantasies, and not the lack of olfactory control you have while sleeping — yeah!
- ENJOY EVERY SINGLE MOMENT. You’re here aren’t you? You made it! It’s only a matter of time before you are back in charge and in control, so enjoy the moments, and have a good sense of humor. It’s the only way to live!
As for me, I’ve been extremely busy resting my bod on the sofa in the living room of the Beach Palace. Of course, there have been the occasional meds, sponge baths, and slow, leisurely walks around the block. Next week, if I’m recovering nicely, I’ll venture out to get some last minute Christmas presents off in the mail. I hope all is well with every single one of you, and I look forward to hearing more from you all on your plans!
Have a NOGGY week of Christmas, Chanukah, Quanza (sp?) and any other Holiday festivities. Tune in next time for LORD KNOWS WHAT, but it’s sure to entertain!
Love you people!!!!! Mmmmmpppphhhhuuuhhhh!!!!
Ms. Cheevious
*For you newbies out there, Nuggie, aka M.C. Nugget, and Emcee Nugget, is my beau – also formerly known as Fred the Wonder Chicken or FWC — I assign “aliases” to all of my friends and family, so their antics can remain anonymous. I am the only person I know who doesn’t care if people know what I’ve been up to. So I protect their identities!
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Blog content copyright 2011, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
Jabba, Jabba-izations or Jabba-ness is not just a source of humor but a way of life…. a Tao of you will.
Nuggie! You are Too CUTE. XOXO
Interesting. Ha ha! I’m not too sure about the video. I don’t normally visit this site, so I have no idea who the “guest voice” is, but I appreciated the part at the end, and found it pretty funny – having been through surgery myself. Ha ha! Nice post!
Funny post. You have the use of the term “olfactory” incorrect, however, as it refers to the sense of smell, and not an uncontrolled drooling pattern. The condition relating to uncontrolled drooling, or, when the salivary glands are making more saliva than usual is “sialorrhea”. You may also refer to it as a lack of oral neuromuscular control. 🙂
@Lindsay – thanks for coming in and posting a comment. Glad to have you. Yeah – the whole guest voice thing is sort of a trick question for my regular readers… you’ll catch on. But most people do know that M.C. Nugget is my partner in crime when it comes to video production – so it’s safe to assume it’s him. 🙂 xo
@Jon – why THANK you for the clarification. LOVE to learn the actual terms and I’ll keep it in mind the next time I post about drooling – which – well, in Ms. Cheevious-land, could happen just about every week! HA!