Yes – we went and did it, people. M.C. Nugget* and I went to Mammoth for a ski getaway last weekend. It turned into an entire debacle involving my iPhone. The tale is full of twists and turns, as well as screams and tears, but you’ll have to watch the video below to know why. Now here is the cool part: ONE lucky commenter on my YouTube channel will receive a very cool prize (I’ve got something for your comments here too. Keep reading). I hold the actual prize up in the video toward the end, but here is a close-up:
I chose the powder blue version. It’s a Miller and Jeeves (out of Oxerfordshire England) business or credit card wallet, and the leather on this little guy is so YUMMY smelling! You’ve got to check it out at www.bottica.com. They were the gracious people to gift this to me because of my KLOUT score online! Isn’t that awesome? Yes, I am well aware than many of you don’t know anything about KLOUT scores, and I’m talking gibberish as far as you’re concerned. But think in terms of the word “clout” – what it means – and then, as it relates to “online” or “internet” presence. My score is actually not very accurate, because it won’t allow me to combine more than one twitter account or more than one Google+ account, and guess what? I have about 8 twitter accounts. Yes. 8 or so. Plus or minus…. maybe. Really people. By now you know that I have my OWN online presence, as does Lisa Jey Davis (the other me). So there are numerous profiles running around cyberspace. I don’t blame Klout for not being able to keep up. I’m suffocating in the bytes myself!
Anyway – watch the video. Comment on YouTube if you’d like to get a chance to win, and comment here – because I’m going to pull together a consolation prize for one person who can tell me the very last word I say in the video – and when it appears! This one is fun.
Here’s the video! Click the little YouTube icon on the bottom right of the box to write your comments on YouTube (you’ll need a YouTube account – but that’s super easy, especially if you already have Google+ – which owns YouTube – it’s pretty much done).
For those of you via email, who cannot see the video box, here is the link: http://youtu.be/b74Vvkf7JrY
Good luck everyone! Tune in next time for an article on those things Girls Secretly Wish About Guys! OHHHHH YEAAAAH.
Love you People!!! MMMPPPHUUUHHHHHH!!!!
Ms. Cheevious
*If you don’t know this already, all of my friends and family are given aliases in Ms. Cheevious-land, unless they don’t care either way. In that case, I happily broadcast their lives here, there and everywhere for all to enjoy. M.C. Nugget, aka Emcee Nugget, aka Nuggie, is my beau.
Register to receive my blog posts via email on the Ms. Cheevious Home page. (Be sure to confirm when you receive your email!)
You can also follow my man M.C. Nugget on Twitter
All Blog content copyright 2012, LISA JEY DAVIS aka Ms. Cheevious
You’re a funny girl!!! A little “Retail Therapy” always helps me through the tough times too!!!
Did you know I used to live in a little a-frame cabin up in the woods, all by myself! It was very serene, it only had a wood stove for heat and an old fashioned gas cookstove. Ahh the simple life! Hope your phone was insured!!! It’s hard to remember when everyone didn’t have a cell phone!!!
Love to you, laura
Thanks Laura! Somehow I have no trouble picturing you alone in the mountains in an A-Frame cabin. LOL That is awesome! You forgot to mention what the very last word of the video is though, in order to have your comment count in the prize drawing! 🙂
Lisa, your videos are great – so fun and so creative!
Thanks Neely! I have a lot of fun making them!
I think the very last word was “NO!” Am I right?
Maybell you are the ONLY one to follow the directions on this post! Can you believe it! How many people just went straight to watching the video and didn’t follow the directions! LOL
Nice Video!!! I liked it alot. Sorry you lost your I phone tho. Did my day trip today! Yea!! Only two weeks left tho ):
Hey Brad – are you are Brad I know personally? What day trip? Hope it was FAB. And thanks for your comment! 🙂
I love your videos, love! I love how you lose something and in honor give something away! You’re such a giver! p.s. I’m the winner, right?
HAHA! i know a trick when I see it @Dirty! I admit you are a winner, and you claim the prize we are both vying for someplace else? LOL Of course you are a winner my dear! No guarantees for the consolation prize, but you are DEFINITELY a winner in MY BOOK! xo
Does the MAUUHHH at 6:03 count? I vote yes! Your kisses always count! 😉
Nope! ALLLLL the way at the end….. of the footage…. and the credits…… hint hint.
Nice tits:0