Okay, okay! I know you are wondering if I went for it this past Saturday and tried out for the Los Angeles Temptation (the LA team in the Lingerie Football League) at their open tryouts. I expressed my concerns (as to whether they might just laugh and tell me to go home, etc.) in my last post, “Lingerie Football League… To Tryout or Not.” And the answer is…..
I did it. Yep!
I went on Saturday, with borrowed cleats that were a half size too small (ouch), got in line, got my number (#111), and did what I could. Here are my quick notes on the day, and I’ll let you get straight to the video:
- There were about 130 girls I believe – all around the average age of 22.
- There were some exceptional athletes, some of them returning players from last year (#112, Nikki, actually played four games last year for the LA Temptation, but had to drop out early).
- Because the league is new, and continues to gain momentum and recognition and respect, the bar is raised every year on the athletic talent they expect and recruit – so even the current team members have to try out again – even though the current team members won their Superbowl.
- It’s tough to sprint in cleats (note to self for next time), especially a half size too small, and on uneven grass. HA!
- They watched the girls throughout the day, and if they were not up to par, they tapped them out and sent them home.
- I did not get tapped. Me and about 64 other girls didn’t get tapped. HA!
- The plan is for the league and team to go back, review everyone’s scores and probably their looks, and choose TEN girls from those who remained, to go on to the next level.
- I am sure I was the oldest one there, but I didn’t feel like it. I felt really great, and just finishing the day without being cut made me very proud of myself — almost unbearable to live with – mwaaah ha ha haaaaa.
- My man, coach and FOOTBALL mentor (since I’d never really even tried to throw or catch a football, nor did I know anything about the drills, etc… until just last week), was there every step of the way, cheering, photographing and taking video for all of you to see.
So without further delay, enjoy this little montage in honor of my tryout. After I finished editing it, and posted it to Youtube, I thought perhaps it looked a bit over-the-top. You know? Like, all-about-MEEEEEE? And I suppose it probably does. But you know what? TOUGH TOAST. I am the one who’s banged up here. I think we can let this one slide. HA!
If you receive this post via email, and cannot (for some reason) see the video box above, click on this link. But be sure to come back and post a comment here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws0Qum7YHUs
Note: In the closing credits, I called myself “Tryer-Outer #1” because I was the first one to show up on the video… that’s usually how it’s done… I didn’t do it in reference, obviously, to the number I was assigned for that day.
So there you have it! My big day! The best news is, if I really want to seriously train and tryout again, with better speed, agility, etc… I will have another chance right before training camp in late July or August! Yayyyyy!!
Have a fantastic week you sporto’s out there. Go get some exercise!
Love you people!! Mmmmmmmmpppphhhuuuuhhhhhh!!!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
Hi Lisa!!
Sibyll and I watched your video together just now, she in Germany, and I in some other city :)), and were very impressed!
You caught the ball!!!!! YAY!! I would have dropped it fo-sho!
Great Going kid!! (btw, nice bod;)
Thanks so much MUCKO!!! It was a blast and I was very proud of that. Of course I only posted the best highlights… There was one bullet throw I did not catch, but hey – it’s my blog, right? HA!
Very proud of you for making the cut. You
looked pretty good for a virgin (football player that is)(he he).
Nice shot in the bikini too — age isn’t as important as beauty, speed, and agility. You nailed the first, and can do the other two with some more coaching/drills. You definitely have to go back during training camp…
p.s. You still throw like a girl! ha
just kidding – good job girlie!!!
Way ta busta move!!! You look GREAT! If some of these girl knew how much younger they were than you . . . OMG!
You look FANTASTIC! I’d be shocked if you weren’t picked! Keep us posted!
Kris – you have NO frame of reference to say I STILL throw like a girl.. unless of course you were just trying to DISS me, in which case, BRING IT. ha!
Mave – I will – of course announce it here if by some miracle they decide I’m right for the team. I seriously would fall over… but hey – stranger things have happened. The plan now is to practice and work all summer long doing sprints and drills to get ready for the next tryouts! WOO HOO!
I’ve said it before, and I say it again… You Rock, Lisa! Love the video. I can’t wait to watch you kick some football butt this season. Mwah!
Awe thanks lovey HU!! XO
Thanks so much for posting this! I wasn’t ready for this year’s tryouts and this video gives me a good idea of what to expect.
Thanks Jeanette! Feel free to tweet / share it! I would have LOVED to see this when I was trying to prep! 🙂
AWESOME job on going for it and doing such great job as well!
I had a few questions for you that I hope you wouldnt mind answering as I am in exactly the same boat that you were in…
First of all I was curious as to how old you are… I am 30 so I was concerned about the age thing as well…
Second, for the tryouts… should we wear makeup, etc or is this simply just for testing our athletic ability? I didnt know exactly how to present myself for the tryout…
I mean I imagine especially after seeing your video that it will be pretty rough and (being here in FL) sweaty so I am guessing just minimal makeup and hair would be sufficient… would you agree?!
and Third, are there any specific drills or things that you wish you had specifically practiced prior to trying out or any that you would recommend working on? (I am super fit but like you have no prior football experience)
Thanks for being an inspiration and sharing your experience!
Smiles and Delight to you! (and best of luck too!) Whit
Oh and by the way I am trying out for the Orlando team this Saturday!! I forgot to mentionthat in my previous post… 🙂
Hey there, mscheevious. I was out there taking pictures, too and you definitely held your own. Great video. Sorry to hear about the shoes. You rock!
Whitney – Thanks for stopping by! And – GO FOR IT girl. You are YOUNG unless proven otherwise.. ha ha.
In terms of age – without divulging too much so that I incriminate myself here – ha ha – let’s just say you will be among *some* peers. Yes, most girls are young twenties, but there are some a little older as well – just go for it.
And – NO – you do not need to wear makeup. I suppose it depends on why you are doing this. I am sure some girls plan for it to springboard their acting or modeling careers, and don’t want to look bad in any photo, but I didn’t wear a stitch of makeup. I wore sun screen (20) on my face, and still got burned. I forgot to put it on my chest and shoulders (because it was very overcast here in the morning), and it cleared up and I got burned there as well. So, think in terms of intelligence. They are looking for AGRESSIVE, SMART, THINKING players who will not be afraid to go after it.
I will be training more (which I had no idea about) on my speed (sprinting in cleats), on high knee running sideways – while looking forward (the drill where we had to jump the blue pads, we were suppose to keep looking forward), and I hope to somehow find a way to get access to some tackling dummies, because the agression is important. AND, I want to work on learning how to fall – because I skinned and bruised my shoulder and my knee, and gave myself a fat lip!
Also I will continue my hard-core 5-day a week pilates, which I’ve always done (it’s a hybrid cardo, music infused pilates), and add more running for speed.
Does that help? 🙂
Billy! Thank you so very much! I appreciate that! I had a blast, and that’s the most important thing! Loved loved loved it! Thanks again!
Wish I had the time and $$$ to do Pilates 3 days a week LOL, I can’t believe you do them 5 days a week. What a Bod.
Blu – thanks! I sent you a separate message about that, because as I always say – where there is a will, there is a way – I don’t pay the high fees for my pilates… I found a way. 🙂
OMG, that is AWESOME! You are such a badass. LOVED THIS! 🙂
Thanks Ms. Bon! Thanks for coming by and posting! xoxo
This was really cute. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Penny… sorry for the delay – I just now saw this, as it was posted in JUNE!
Get out of here! You tried out and made the cut? That’s an achievement and a half! Those women are remarkable athletes which makes you one as well! Do you have a favorite NFL team or do you just watch occasionally?
Q! Thanks for coming by! Yes – NFL – are you KIDDING? Patriots baby! That’s my first team. Then by osmosis, because my guy is an avid fan, despite their rough year, the Saints! LOVE them too!