You may recall that my man and I were able to catch the Lingerie Football League Superbowl game in Miami, while there for the actual NFL Superbowl. I talked about it in the post “SAINTS Bitch!” and if you are a “friend” on Facebook, you saw the photos from the game. I said then, and I meant it, that I would love to play for the Los Angeles Temptation. I am a HUGE football fan, and exceptionally athletic. I think it would be an absolute BLAST.
Well, kiddos… that opportunity is about to present itself. I just found out last Saturday that the LFL is hosting open tryouts this coming Saturday, the 24th (I know, not much notice… it’s a good thing I am athletic and try to stay fit year round)!
So, the only thing that concerned me, is that like they do on American Idol – the LFL may have an age limit – or at least an unwritten one. I contacted them, and they said there is no age limit. But they may want to portray an image of only the hottest, youngest chicks – which I wouldn’t blame them for. But I am leaving it to you people to tell me your thoughts. I still may choose to simply watch the tryouts this year, and make a decision to try out next year – but the biological clock is tickin’ if ya know whatta mean… So, I am wondering if you all think I should just GO for it?
The questionnaire / application asks us what we’ve done – sports-wise – and I’ve done plenty. Except, of course, play football. I’ve figure skated, run track, weight trained (body building), rock climbed (the real kind, more than once a week), and practiced yoga and pilates for several years. But still. I do NOT want to show up at the try outs and have them raise their eyebrows, snicker and tell me to forget it.
Also – they ask the new recruits to bring a photo to leave behind. I will probably take one that looks more like one of the LINGERIE FOOTBALL players – in my sports bra and workout shorts, but here are a few of me in similar attire to give you an idea. You tell me what you think. Should I be wise and just WATCH try outs this year? Or should I GO FOR IT?

I don’t compare in any way shape or form to the lady in the photo above, who’s abs could cut through steel. But I try.

That’s it for now my beautiful little blog-ites. Stay tuned next week for my decision, and the subsequent videos / pics to go along (if I do it).
Have a fantastic rest of your week boys and girls!
Love you people! Mmmmmmpppphhhuuuuhhhh!!!!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
GO FOR THE GOLD BABY! Hot is hot… and you are hot! Good luck at the try outs! – XOXO – Rosie
I wouldn’t
You go girl!!! – screw ‘age’ — I’d vote for you anyday. I saw those pictures and I don’t care how ‘young’ they may have been –you are just as hot & athletic. I suggest the cop outfit – shows bottom better than bikini.
Go for it – live life to the fullest – one of my favorite quotes is “success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the woman you believe you were meant to be”
Try out – you’ve got nothing to lose, and those ‘girls’ got nothing on you — I’m sure M.C. would agree.
If you don’t try out NOW I will send you a kick in the ass across the internet all the way from Upstate NY! (haha)
Live life NOW – don’t wait till next year –be brave and try out…or feel my wrath woman….
Hey girl go for it!! age is only a number!! I want to play myself and still have an aggressive spirit.still in great shape…I always wanted to play tackel football and its finally here minus the skimpy suits.we can be fully clothed and still look,sexy tough!! ya know..hate looking like a stripper or a cheerleader it’s to prissy for me..I’m a bit of a real tomboy..please let me know all about your endeavors I just may join you !!
Thanks Gracia! XOXO
I am now in the same boat!!! Except that I’m not as athletic as you are. I’ve always wanted to participate in any obstacle course since I was younger. I’m very competitive and always wished I could play rough for once in my life…I’m 29 and 30 in 3 weeks. I believe I’m on the verge of going thru a midlife crisis and am finding new ways to satisfy it. Tryouts is this Saturday and I’m gonna do it. I’m with Kris…you’ve got nothing to lose. You don’t wanna regret not trying when you had the chance. Do it for you, compete against yourself. Besides, I’m sure you’ll do much better than the girls that are doing it for the attention.
As I see now that you posted a year ago, I’d like to know what you decided on and what your take was…
Well Shy – I hope you tried out! I did. There is a video of the tryouts! I was not cut on the first day, but alas, was not chosen in the final 10. But I wouldn’t trade the experience for the world!
i want to do that so bad, but im only 16 but i play football for my highschool. i powerlift and play softball too so im in shape i cant wait untill i can try out.! but i guess i should wait a while.
hope you did great?
Hey Barron! You should DEFINITELY go and try out. Bring your mom or dad or someone who is a good support in your athletic goals along with you. I did GREAT! I did not make the final cut, and I opted out of re-trying-out again that year – but I will NEVER regret it. I had a great time and proved to myself that I could hang with some tough chicks! It was one of the best experiences ever! 🙂
Try out or not