I promised you Comic-Con 2012, from San Diego, and I’m delivering it. I was unable, in the end, to actually go, but two of my best Ms. Cheevious Girls, Helenna Santos Levy and Jenna Lynn made the trip down and took lots of photos of their fantastic adventures. They graciously agreed to share. Unbeknownst to them I’ve dubbed them Ms. Cheevious on the Street Correspondents. Get your Geek on and enjoy. Comic-Con is uber cool, so try and keep up.

Below: Ms. Cheevious on the Street (MOS) Correspondent Jenna Lynn obtained press from the LA TIMES! She wore a sponsor’s furry vest (Electro Furr) and attracted attention (both good and “bad”) as a result.

Enjoy the photos below. Click on any to see larger scale (and click on the second screen’s image to see it BIG).
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Those are some pretty outrageous, fabulous photos. Looks like a wild time to me.
That’s it for now lovely people. Until next time!
Love you people!!!!! Mmmmppphhhuuuhhhh!!!!!
Ms. Cheevious
Editor in (Mis) Chief
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All Blog content copyright 2012, LISA JEY DAVIS aka Ms. Cheevious