I have an announcement to make: I found my camera! You may recall the worry and chagrin I expressed over losing things a few months back, one of which was my digital camera which had some great photos and footage that could never be recreated. I mean, really. What is a girl suppose to do when she loses her digital cam? So many memories in danger of fading into oblivion. It’s just not right! I am soooo glad I found it. Don’t even ask where it was. I’m embarrassed to even say it was lost. Let’s just leave it at that.
This movie, which was made while in Moab this past fall, is of a hike I enjoy up the back side of what’s known as Poison Spider Mesa Trail. It’s a great little hike, with incredible views! I could spend some time (and I probably should) writing about the hike itself, or why I have only just gotten interested in hiking now, after living a fairly yogic or pilates driven exercise existence. But I think I’ll just let you get straight to the video. We’ll call it a VIDEO BLOG post, so as not to make my writer-friends out there feel as though I’ve fallen off the wagon. (Another post is coming very soon – a written one). But check it out here, and PLEASE write a comment! Be sure to watch it – or fast forward if you must – toward the end, and check out the credits at the end, which are kind of fun. Am I just overly excited about this little medium I’ve discovered? I’m so proud of myself for learning how to do these little credits, and to play around with the volume levels on the soundtrack (excuse my lack of expertise). But , please let me know what you think. When you finish watching, click to reply to post!
Blog content copyright 2007, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious.
hike on!
You’re always on an adventure!! I love it!
the reporting was awesome and so were the credits. I got a little dizzy hiking with the camera bouncing around. Cheers 🙂
yeah – ya live and learn ya know? If I’d known how shaky that first hiking part was going to look, I may have sped it up like I did at the end. Sorry everyone!
Wow! It’s so awesome to see those amazing mountains and all the colors of earth below… Makes me miss the Southwest! You look AWESOME!!! Rock on, Hot Mama!
What beautiful scenery!
Was that a “can’t you keep up?!” look that I saw?
The main thing i’m enjoying while reading your blog is the way you write, you are a really charismatic person and your posts are wonderful, keep it up!
Thanks so much Daily! Everyone should check out your interesting blog as well – http://www.dailyfacts.org. It’s awesome.
You go girlfriend! That hike looks amazing!
Thanks everyone…. wow – what a great response! Maybe I should keep them all short! ha!