In spite of (ehem), I mean, in honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m posting a little something for my single peeps out there. Yes, I too am succumbing to the pressures of commercialization and writing blogs based on what’s hot.
Have a heart, though. I have to do it. It really IS Valentine’s Day weekend coming up. Can you blame me? But since most of my readers tend to be Ms. Cheevious proteges, ascribing to my personal mantra: Enjoying Every Moment – I am posting something for them. It’s a little something I wrote last year for Be Three – a website for hot, hip, and healthy chicks. My piece was called “Solo Girl’s V-Day Survival Kit.” The wonderful folks at Be Three didn’t post my piece as it was written (they edited it to suit their girls) – and that was their prerogative. So I’m giving you guys the unedited, unabridged, XXX rated version.
HA! Just kidding.
Here’s to YOU – all of you incredible, single, lovely girls (and boys, of course). If you are new here, welcome! We are so glad to see you! And, if you aren’t single, share this with your single friends. They’ll get a kick out of it!
I dare any one of you people who are flying solo this weekend to take me up on these survival tips:
Single Girl’s V-Day Survival Kit
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Sigh. It’s not that you’re anti-romance. It’s that you’re one of 89 million Americans who aren’t “coupled up” this year. Tired of seeing cheesy expressions of love plastered on every form of media known to man? Afraid you might launch into a wild, frenzied attack on the Hallmark shop lady? Stop yourself. Try these bold alternatives and keep your pink, candy-hearted butt from going to jail:
· Host an Un-Valentine’s Day Party: Leave it open to all singles. Themes like As Single as I Wanna’ Be (about the bliss of single life), or I’d Rather Be Single Than with My Ex (an ex-orcising party) will change your opinion of “Love-Day” for good!
· Eat a TON of Chocolate. I’m not kidding. A TON. Test all the theories about chocolate’s health benefits. Begin eating at 9 AM and don’t stop ‘til 9 PM. Video tape everything. If you come out alive, post your video on YouTube, and proclaim once and for all that SEX really IS better than chocolate. Everyone will applaud your “no guts, no glory” approach, and you’ll get your 15 minutes of fame. Especially if you video tape the sex part (ha ha!)
· Get out! Take your single friends to all the dating hot spots. Smile broadly and toast the freedoms of being single in front of all those ball-n-chainers! You’ve always said you don’t have a chance in hell of meeting the perfect guy anyway. It’s good to be proven right. You’ll also prove to yourself that you’re fine just as you are!
The end result? Pure satisfaction at being “un-coupled” and a deeper appreciation for freedom and friendship.
Have a FABULOUSLY FREE weekend everyone!
Love you people! Mmmmmphhhuuhhhh!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
I hate Hallmark Holidays! I am secure enough in myself to know that I am loved, and get shown everyday by my spouse that no one is more important. I neither desire or require diamonds to know my own self worth, small daily gestures do it for me! I know I am one of the lucky ones, but it is that self assuredness which attracted him to me in the first place. Hang in there Ladies, fun with the girls are some of the best times of your life, no reason to commiserate-celebrate!
OOOOps! Love you girl!
LOVE it!! I’m going to include your Un-Valentine’s Day idea in a post on MomLogic, with a link to your blog. Go girl!
Laura – You are so awesome! Thank you so much for your encouragement to we single gals! Love ya!
SMS – You have at it! I am honored that you’d like to use my stuff in YOUR work. Thanks so much! Happy V-Day! xo
Helllooooo, beautiful.
When are you coming back to Chicago? I owe you a night on the town.
Pick a restaurant. 😉 We’ll go.
Ooo, we’ll get to meet him! How could we resist? 😉
We’re going to be in Costa Rica during the first part of May. I hope we don’t cross paths. But either way, let me know when you’re here and I will set you up for a nice dinner. I’d hate it if we missed you, though!
Err, I meant to say that I hope our paths DO cross and that we don’t MISS each other.
It’d be completely incorrect to say that I hope our paths don’t cross. Because if I cross you on a path, I’d chase you and climb on you and cover you with smooches.
See? Paths should cross.
Well Random – you are in luck – it will be the week of the 19th – and probably the weekend prior! Or should I say I’m in luck! I’m sure you and Besos will have a lovely Costa Rican glow. I’ll be jealous! Let’s party it up and have some great wining and dining, shall we? You will LOVE FWC!!! But when we cross paths, he’d probably LOVE to see you climb on me and cover me with smooches. I know he’s weird. hee hee.
Ahhh… This was a good one. Funny. And great comments from everyone!