#Contest #Cause
1) You cannot be an employee of Invitae.
2) The winner must be over 18 and his or her doctor must submit a test order that confirms s/he is an appropriate candidate for BRCA testing based on his or her assessment of the patient and his/her family history.
I’m taking a break this week from my regularly scheduled funny and random posts to address something extremely important and close to my heart: YOU and YOUR HEALTH.
In honor of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Week (this week of September 29, 2014), I’m giving away two (count em, TWO) BRCA Genetic Screenings.
I know, I know.
Why do I think you would want or need the genetic test or “BRCA” screening, and what the hell is it?
I’ll tell you.
The BRCA screening is important for anyone who’s had a relative (or close friend, or loved one) with breast or ovarian cancer. It tells patients whether or not they have the mutation, putting them at a higher risk for those (and a few other types of) cancers.
The cancers that can occur as a result of this BRCA high risk range from the obvious: ovarian and breast cancers; to the not-so-obvious: pancreatic, prostate and male breast cancers (as well as various forms of skin cancer, stomach and others). So basically, we’re talking about a LOT of cancers, and a potential butt-load of risk.
I think it’s extremely important to tell people in families with Breast & Ovarian Cancer about the screening, whether they know if they carry the gene or not. If you don’t have a relative who’s suffered through any of the related cancers, chances are, you’ve got a friend who has. So, listen up!
If you or a friend or relative know someone who’s had Breast or Ovarian Cancer… This test (and this give-away) is for you, or for someone you love!
And I (along with Invitae – a genetics testing company), am offering you and anyone you know a chance to win a free genetic screening and the genetic counseling to go along with it (actually two chances because there are two screenings being given away)!!!! This thing can cost about $4,000.00, if ordered via traditional methods, people.
Why am I doing this?
Well, because.
Even though I come from a family of 11 kids (10 siblings from the same parents), my sister died of Ovarian Cancer, which she got at the age of 46. She was the first and only one of our family members to have any BRCA related cancers, and she didn’t make it out alive! My sister had to die for me to be seen as “at risk enough” to get the test, and I tested positive, as did another of my sisters (none of my 6 brothers have opted for the screening).
I told all the details of my entire journey on the Ms. Cheevious blog here, and on the Huffington Post here., and I was on The Doctors TV show telling that story as well, with the brilliant cosmetic surgeon who performed my one-stage mastectomy/breast reconstruction (you can see some of it by clicking here).
Suffice it to say, if it weren’t for my sister’s passing, me and my other nine siblings (as well as all of our kids) may have never even known about the screening, whether or not we had the mutation, or what this shit was all about!!!
What you do with the knowledge is your responsibility. I do not suppose to tell you what is best for you, so once you have the knowledge… Well, the rest is up to you.
I was fortunate that my insurance covered the screening, but not everyone is so lucky.
The Contest:
For those of you who would like to win one of the two screenings I’m giving away, either for yourself or for someone you know, please read the rules:
1) You cannot be an employee of Invitae.
2) The winner must be over 18 and his or her doctor must submit a test order that confirms s/he is an appropriate candidate for BRCA testing based on his or her assessment of the patient and his/her family history.
3) You may enter as many times as you wish, so come back daily to do so.
4) The prize is transferable, so enter for your loved ones, but if they do not meet the criteria of #2 above, and are randomly selected as a winner, a new winner will be chosen.
I wish I could give this to every single person alive who needs it, but good luck everyone! Please enter DAILY to increase your odds of winning. The winner will be selected on Monday, October 6, 2014.
Here is your chance to enter and win (if the full giveaway isn’t showing in your browser, click here to see it on the Ms. Cheevious Facebook page, or here on Rafflecopter.com):
a Rafflecopter giveaway
#MomFactor: Well, if you, your baby daddy, husband or significant other fall into the category of people who can get this screening, you owe it to yourself and to your kids to enter!
*According to the Susan G. Komen website, in the U.S., between one in 400 and one in 800 people in the general population have a BRCA1/2 mutation. Prevalence varies by ethnic group. Among Ashkenazi Jewish men and women, about one in 40 have a BRCA1/2 mutation.
Register to receive these posts once a week by email and get my eBook “Ahhhhh…Haaaaaa Moments with Ms. Cheevious” for FREE as a result. Registration is on the right side bar of every blog post, or on our Facebook page. See you next time.
Blog content copyright 2014, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms.Cheevious.
I am so sorry to hear about your sister and what you’re doing is a wonderful thing in her memory. Did you say 11 siblings? WOW! I will try to spread this word for you.
Thank you so much Elyse!!! Appreciate it!
A very generous heart to offer this opportunity. Sorry it took your sister to finally awake the drs. Good luck w/ the contest. I’m telling the world about this.
Thanks so much Bob! I hope people come and enter!
LIsa, you are a champion for thousands of women. Thank you for the work you are doing informing women of this testing.
It is my honor Onisha! Thanks!
Lisa, you are an amazing person. Thank you for investing your heart and soul into trying to help other women and families avoid what you and yours experienced. Sharing your worthy contest on my social networks. Maybe you’ll save another life.
Awe thank you so much Elise – I hope MANY people enter this contest!
This is great information to let people hear. I just had my first full body thermography and am grateful to have started something. I do not qualify here because I have no known relatives who had the disease. So sorry about your sister. This really is a way to do something good in her name. Thanks, Lisa
Thank you Pamela! I appreciate it, and I am sorry you do not qualify!
EVERYONE SHOULD ENTER FOR THIS DRAWING!!!!! It is the easiest test out there!!! Plus it saves lives.
Thanks Judy – I AGREE!!!
Great contest – great cause! Thousands should enter this!
I’ve been meaning to get tested for many cancer genes (I have a lot in my family) thanks for the reminder
You’re welcome Heather! Thanks for entering! Good luck!
I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of your sister. What an amazing gift you are giving away!! I have a long history in my family of all sorts of cancers, including breast and ovarian. Recently, I had a cervical cancer scar which is currently under control so I will absolutely be entering since my insurance doesn’t cover the cost of the test!!
I had no idea Boston! Well — this is how we find these things out. Thanks for sharing. I hope you have the test, regardless! It is getting more and more affordable.
My Story: In November of 2010 a mammogram found a lump in my right breast. I had a biopsy in December, and fortunately it was “Benign”. My mother died of Breast & Lung cancer in 1997. I found out after I found the lump, that Breast Cancer runs on both sides of my family. My mother had never told me how my Grandmothers had passed away. After talking to a few relatives, I found out that both of my Grandmothers, from each side of my family had died from the same thing. (3 Women!) In late December 2010 the doctor did a test for the Breast Cancer gene, called the BRCA test. The test came back positive for the BRCA2 gene. This means I have a 87% chance of developing Breast Cancer and a 54% chance of Ovarian Cancer. Few few moths later I started taking the Breast Cancer medication Tamoxifen as a preventative. Tamoxifen helps by stopping the food source for breast cancer “Estrogen”. It does have some side-effects, Menopause (hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, etc.) A year and a half later I had a Hysterectomy, and a Bilateral Mastectomy. These procedures may sound drastic to some, but I feel they are “Not!” I don’t want to go through what my Mother, and both of my Grandmothers did! Since my BRCA2 diagnosis, one of my cousins on my fathers side now has Breast Cancer. I know having the BRCA test done has empowered me to be proactive. “Knowledge Is Power, Know Your Risks!!”
I have a 8 year old son, and a wonderful husband I plan to be with them until I’m 100 ( or more! ) I’ll do what ever is necessary to be here for my family!
I’d liked to win this BRCA test for my friends daughter who can’t afford to be tested. She has a family history of Breast Cancer on her fathers side of the family.
Thank you so much for sharing your story Juli and for thinking of your friend’s daughter. I am sorry for all of the loss you’ve had in your family too… All the best. XOXO
Love that you are doing this! I’m BRCA1 and would love to win this so another family member could get tested!
Thanks so much for entering Julie! Best of luck!
Thanks for offering a contest for this 🙂 I am BRCA2 positive. My nephew doesn’t have insurance at this time but would like to get tested because he has 5 children as well so I am entering for him 🙂
Wow – another person entering for a nephew! I am so glad! Thanks so much!
I am trying to win this for my nephew because I have the BRCA 2 gene and he does not have insurance to be able to have it covered.
Thank you,
Thank you for thinking of your nephew Amy! Good luck!
Thank you for offering this wonderful gift. There are so many people out there that want to have the testing done, but can’t. I am trying to win this testing for my cousin. Our family been torn apart by BRCA2. My mom is a 15 year breast cancer survivor and is BRCA2, I have tested positive for BRCA2, my aunt decided not to get tested and was later diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. She was happy and healthy for 2 years before diagnosed again at Stage 4. She is still fighting. She has now also tested positive for BRCA2. Now, her daughter is the last in the family to be tested, but has not been able to be tested yet due to a lack of insurance. So far, everyone that has been diagnosed with BRCA2 in my family has been diagnosed with breast cancer except for me (so far). This would be a wonderful gift to my aunt as well. She worries so much for her daughter now that she has tested positive for BRCA2 and know she could have passed it on.
I am so sorry your family has suffered through so much Stephanie! Thank you for sharing your story! You won’t believe how reading it will help others!
My sister and I both were diagnosed with breast cancer in our mid 40s. She tested negative but the fact that we both were diagnosed makes me want to do the test myself.
Wow – what a story! Thank you for commenting Kandas!
Thank you for bringing more awareness to the BRCA gene testing and it’s importance. My grandmother died of breast cancer when my mom was age 4. Later my mom and her two sister had breast cancer, one sister died from it but the others survived. Then my sister and I both had it at in the same year. I was age 33. Now my daughter is age 23 and wants to be tested. I’m praying she doesn’t have the gene mutation.
I hope she doesn’t have the gene as well Sandy. And I am sorry for all the loss in your family. Knowledge is power however. Good luck.
What a great way to honor those who have suffered in the past! It really is such an important issue and people don’t take the testing and risk factors as seriously as they should. Thank you for highlighting BRCA and giving people this great opportunity!! Great job!!