I am a mom. A mother, mama, madre… etc. And I am truly celebrating that today. But I’m also celebrating my super-hero ability at this particularly unique juncture in my life to do – – – well – – – absolutely nothing.
This super-hero ability transcends traditional thought, and enables me to love doing nothing, to cherish it, to step outside of myself at times and analyze and see my nada state of being for what it is – to relish and be thankful for it. And THAT is amazing. The really super-power trick, however, is not to let the nada-ness be cause for worry, self-defamation or fear.
Mother’s Day 2002
My two boys are older now- one fully grown up (I know… I was six when I had him. It was in all the papers), and one who is 14 and lives with his dad in another state. I love them so much (and so often) it hurts – in a good way most of the time – but that is another story — one that is so very much more than nothing or nada, and to even try to do it justice in my nada frame of mind, just wouldn’t be fair or right.
So – I’ll tell you about my realization that I actually relish being a Nada Mama on this beautiful Mother’s Day, 2010.
You see, though I own my own business, and love what I do (marketing and PR – spinning and pitching stories for the media, getting my clients on red carpet at some fabulous events, making deals for them, etc.), things (and by “things” I mean paying clients) have been very scant lately. So much so, I’ve been keeping myself ultra busy, spinning plates/wheels, doing tricks, “putting it out there” – pitching myself to friends, acquaintances — sending resumes around since October – and still nothing has changed (my bank account notwithstanding). As busy as I’ve been – even up until this past week – trying to “make things happen” – there is still – – just – – nothing, it seems.
Oh, I’ve gotten a new client here and there, lost a few along the way – but things everywhere in this universe just seem to be — STUCK. And I feel for others out there! I’ve only been trying to elicit some serious change since last October. Many more have been battling far longer.
So, I’ve just decided this week to just go with it. To love the nada-ness. Embrace it. Hold it. Cuddle it.
And now it’s official. I am a bonafide nada queen. A lounging fool.
It’s Sunday, and I spent the day yesterday lounging on the beach with M.C. Nugget.
I love the beach. Love laying in the sun (with appropriate SPF properly applied, of course), riding my bike along the strand in Santa Monica, watching the sunset over the Pier. It’s quite relaxing and amazing. I may not be raking in the dollars right now, but I am certainly raking in the sunshine and reaping the benefits – the soft, golden skin that comes from the balmy sea air. I may not be making power deals at every moment, but I am powering up the little hill on Ocean Park Boulevard peddling my bike as fast as possible to make the green light, and reach my final destination — the friggin OCEAN people! Hello? How lucky am I to be just a couple of blocks from the great blue sea?
So, it’s been an incredibly challenging year for most folks. I can’t even begin to detail the types of difficulties my friends and family have encountered. Yet, even still, for every person who’s struggling (financially, health-wise, etc), I know someone who at least seems to be doing just fine.
So I’ve decided that I am too. And I am actually GRATEFUL for the NADA MAMA I am!
Right here. Right now.
Carpe Diem, people! I gotta seize the day, because, hey – life is short – and I may never again be able to simply wake up, attend a 5-day-a-week pilates class, answer a few emails, check in on Facebook, handle a few details for my clients, and then – if I so desire – take the rest of the day off to lay in the sun or ride bikes with my man. Granted, I don’t do that every single day (I’m still in Nada Mama training) – but believe me, as of late, I’ve done my share.
No matter how difficult things get, I have to realize that I’ve got it pretty stinkin’ good to be able to just stop, dead in my tracks, along with the seemingly STUCK UNIVERSE, and smell the roses, sip the coffee, soak in the rays, etc.
Ahhh. To do absolutely nothing. Everyone should be so lucky.
Happy Mother’s Day everyone! Yes – EVERYONE. Even you, who are not female, or mothers. Yes, even you have a mom, or have had one. Everyone has. And I bet they all learned to enjoy being a Nada Mama once in a while too.
Stay tuned next week for some more tales of — well — how about nothing! It’s either that or I’ll have to give away some of the fun and frivolity that occured at the Baja Cantina, The World Cafe and more on Cinco de Nuggie (M.C. Nugget’s Birthday)! But until then, people… just do this for a while: breathe in…. and breathe out…. ahhhhhh.
Love you people! Mmmmmppphhhhuuuuhhhh!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
Happy Mothers Day Lisa! Great post this morning, you’re right on so many levels, you work very hard and deserve a good break.
Make the most of this day, I’m spending Mothers Day with my mom for the first time in 10 years, not something to be taken for granted. Time to go, I think there is breakfast and a mimosa waiting..
Happy Mothers Day Lisa!!
I like this post as always.
One of my favorite quotes is:
one day at a time — this is enough. Don’t look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and DON’T be troubled about the future, FOR IT HAS NOT YET COME. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering…
That’s a good one Lisa – You go girl!
Yeah! I am with you Dahhhhhhrlink 😉 Enjoy the moment as it is sooooooooo pressssssoussss (did I spell that right?_ no matter. Yes, we (all of us) have sooooooooo much to be grateful for and realize how blessed we are just to be here… Enjoy… Light and Love with Joy and Grace… xoxo Looking forward for the weekend with the ladies…. Yeah, I made it with the Sherwood’s, been invited!!!!! YEAH! I am Blessed….
Scott – Thank you so much – and I hope you had a fabulous time with your mother. I am sure it was a treat for her – especially after 10 years!!
Kris – thanks! Great quote. Love that one too!
Jackie – I’m going baby!
Margo – Yep – we are all blessed… just gotta make yourself see it sometimes!
I too have been thinking about how I spend my time now that I finished a freelance job – and it’s that in-between time, where I seem really anxious about not being busy. We spend so much time being anxious about not being busy, when we should just get out and enjoy, read a book, paint, and just be. Because… the next thing you know, we will be too busy! Happy Mother’s day pretty Mama!
Hi Shelley – yep… you are so right. Can’t believe how much time is wasted on worry and anxiety! Movin’ on baby!