Gotcha! HA!
Well, not really. I actually did produce a fun, SHORT video below for your viewing pleasure. It’s like – TWO minutes. And, it’s all about me showing you my underwear. You’ll giggle just a bit (or snicker, if you’re a DUDE). Promise.
I realize that by posting these videos here on my blog (or anywhere else for that matter), I may be miscommunicating something. I don’t want my actions to be misconstrued as an attempt to protect or keep you FROM the need to navigate YouTube. Trust me on this one. They’re not. Just because I am a benevolent content provider (that is GEEK SPEAK for someone who produces videos and writes blogs and shovels this stuff at you repeatedly), does not mean you should never learn how to maneuver around what the ENTIRE world is talking about!
No, my desire is for each and every one of you to become the brilliant, internet-savvy, techno-babes and dudes that I just KNOW you are. Somewhere deep inside each of you is a GEEK just DYING to be outted.
So, please watch this fun little quip of a video first… Then – well – get with this current millennia, would ya? Here’s how:
You may have to actually JOIN Youtube, SIGN IN, in order to post those fun comments you’ve got brewing even now… But one day you WILL thank me. Why? Because, you my friend, will one day be able to tell your nieces, nephews, sons, daughters, grand kids, or friends and family just how CYBER COOL you really were, “back in the day” when we still actually used COMPUTERS to surf the internet and view Ms. Cheevious Videos!!!
Nonetheless, let’s just get right to it, shall we? Then after you’ve watched, I’ll tell you about the Whippets experience I had recently.
If you can’t view that video in your email or browser, click here (or here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czilnPpm2NQ).
Now, onto the Whippets. Or, as I just learned via Google: Whippits.
What is it? Or they? Or whatever? Google defines Whippits as such:
- whip·pit
noun /ˈ(h)wipit/ whippits, plural |
- A small container of nitrous oxide intended for home use in whipped cream charging bottles but often used as an inhalant
I like to call them mini Helium tanks… or personal laughing gas.
So… a few weeks back a couple of my MOST Ms. Cheevious gal pals called me because a Karaoke Party they had planned had suddenly fallen through. These gals had planned to meet with twelve of their closest friends to sing and inhale laughing gas.
Now, far be it from ME to suck on laughing gas even a little. I guess I’m a purest. If it isn’t liquid and tasting like some manner of Red or White wine, Vodka, Jameson’s or even a fruity concoction – well I’m not interested in polluting my bod. I mean, ehem – junk food and enchiladas, and well… CHEESE… Oh the glorious cheese, aside…
Then again I do subscribe to the life policy that if it won’t kill or permanently damage me, I’ll try just about anything once. So.. Well.. Yes. I admit. I tried it. Once. I laughed and did my usual little “having some fun now” dance, and then I was done. Wasn’t up for polluting my body any further. I ended up falling asleep while sitting on the toilet. Guess I can’t hold my gas… Heh heh. No pun intended! I truly CAN’T hold my Whippits gas apparently! Nor do I believe I ever want to! HA!
Ahhhh well, such is life! It was fun to say I tried it! Once!
How about you? Ever try Whippits or any other seemingly harmless “party favor”? Do tell. Your secret is SAFE with me and all the other Ms. Cheevious-land peeps!
That’s it for now my lovely boys and girls. I go in for my GIGANTIC surgery I spoke of in “I’m Too Sexy for My Genes” in just a few short days! YAY! Finally I will be DONE with this chapter before long! Good thoughts and prayers and all manner of healing can be sent my way at your leisure!
Tune in next time for another episode of MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN MOMENTS. Where I turn a harmless Apres’ Ski happy hour into a lesson on Branding. Fun stuff, I tell ya.
Love you people!!!!! Mmmmmmpppphhhuuuuhhhhh!!!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2011, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
HAHAHA…Funny. Glad you told me it was harmless….PHEW!!!! 🙂
heheh – thanks Jared. Yeah – that title is SCARY! lol
HAHAHA! That was pretty funny! I was expecting this racy video… but noooo. It was cute though. I’ve never seen underwear folded that way. I wouldn’t have the foggiest idea how to do that!
You silly!!!