Hey all you beautiful people! How is the winter weather and month of January treating you?
Am I dating myself to use the now infamous song from Vanilla Ice as my title? Am I? Tell me the truth now. It won’t MATTER… but I always like it when you tell me what’s up. In my defense, I had to use something catchy, and far be it from me to come up with something ORIGINAL! Pfffaw! Who does THAT anymore?
So – I know I promised to dish on Sundance and Golden Globes, and now the Grammy Awards are upon us… but my bff super-powered agent friend has been so busy since her return from Utah for Sundance, that we’ve only managed a couple of texts. Alas, my darlings… the dish will have to wait – or perhaps I’ll just tell you what I know already – another time.
BUT – on another totally and completely polar opposite note: M.C. Nugget and I went iceskating today, outside in Santa Monica.
Yup. Outside. Without jackets or coats, or anything like that.
It was DIVINE.
I took it upon myself to pose for the camera… and tell you just a little bit about it…
And if you can’t see the video (above) in your email or browser, here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE-jbTYmM4w.
Check it out! FUN stuff lovely boys and girls!
Love you people! Mmmmmmphhhuuuuhhh!!!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
I loved it – only wish that we could ice skate like that here. It’s WAY to cold for me to ice skate outside. I was only hoping you’d show off a little more after ALL THOSE ICE SKATING LESSONS! ha ha
Yes – the iceskating lessons are what enabled me to skate BACKWARDS, thank you very much. When you don’t do that sport for almost thirty years on a regular basis, geez… it just isn’t as easy as it use to be! HA!
SEEEE I told you those ice Skating lessons would pay off some day! GOOD JOB! I am so impressed, I have a hard enough time skating forward LOL
And another thing…why not a double axle??
did I ever tell you that I was a competitive figure skater when I was growing up from age 6-14.
Cute video by the way. But the camera man talks too much haha
Kris – what did you or do you NOT do??? Let’s start there. The list seems to be shorter that way… ha ha