Boys and girls, Ms. Cheevious will be off galavanting around the world for the next several weeks. I’m sorry, I just don’t have time for the blog right now. It happens. But I’ll be sure to post some fabulous pics from the road. To top it off, while I am jet setting to Paris and Athens, my alter-ego Lisa Jey Davis is stuck at home in Southern California, but she is under the gun to actually FINISH the book she’s been laboring over.
In light of this, all my split personalities and I have asked a few select, and talented bloggers/writers we know to step in and write some guest posts.
First up: A lovely, talented dating and relationship blogger we love, According to Jewels. Sit back and ENJOY people!
xoxo Ms. Cheevious
Anyone who follows me on Twitter (@According2Jewls) has no doubt seen my weekend tweets about my half-naked dance parties.
This is not mere titillation meant to gain more followers, though if it happens, I’m fine with that.
I actually enjoy a half-naked solo dance party on a regular basis. Think I’m crazy? I beg to differ. It is a ton of fun.
It is exactly what it sounds like. I strip down to my bra and panties (sexy, lacy ones of course) and pump up the music. This is typically accompanied by a glass of wine or two and a lot of laughing. My “Dance Party” playlist goes on shuffle and then it’s fun-and-games time. Those people who dance in their car while singing at the top of their lungs… yeah, I’m one of them. They (like me) don’t mind if someone sees them being silly. They know you can see them. They just don’t care.
Well, my dance party is a more private version of this.
There are times when this is my main event of the night: There’s no going out, and no real reason for said party, other than wanting to let lose. Those nights I may even slip into some sexy sleepwear and write between dance breaks. I’m typically writing posts for my adult blog during this time, and that side of Jewels loves her sexy time. What better way to get in the mood for writing about “adult topics” than to turn on some sultry tunes and slink my way around the room working my hips like a want to be Shakira? You write sexy when you feel sexy and I love doing both of those things.
Then there are times where my Half-Naked Dance Party (HNDP) is just the warm up for a night out. That is when I get a little crazy and do my ‘pump-up-the-volume’ or ‘pre-game’ rally to get ready for the night. Imagine me, glass of wine in hand, music turned up, throwing items around my closet, and searching through a mountain of shoes for the missing mate to my favorite pair of ‘goes with everything, super comfy’ heals. I will be singing along to “It Takes Two” by the infamous Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock while I apply eye shadow, liner, and mascara… finishing off with a shiny nude gloss. I promise that at some point the urge to truly dance (again) will overcome me and I’ll do that annoying “OH MY GOD, I LOVE THIS SONG,” drop my mascara wand and dance madly in my room alone. Yes, totally alone (I’m known to both talk to myself and dance totally alone).
The nights when my HNDP is that warm-up before going out, I always arrive at my destination feeling sexier and on top of the world. I just carry myself differently. I am fun, flirty, and a more fabulous version of myself.
On the nights when I simply stay in and write after a HNDP, you can believe I produce some seriously steamy, sexually driven, confident, powerful pieces those nights.
The important part is that I’m singing, dancing, smiling and happy the whole time. I’m enjoying myself and more importantly I’m enjoying being in my body. As somebody who hasn’t always been comfortable in my own skin, this is huge for me. When you haven’t always loved your body it’s amazing to embrace it, flaws and all, and feel sexy doing so. Half-Naked Dance Parties started out as a practice in learning to love my body, but now, well now they are just a crap ton of fun! 😉
About our Guest: According to Jewels
According to Jewels is a writer/blogger who tackles topics ranging from relationships, sex, and dating, to being brutally honest in life and raising the bar on people’s behavior. Drawing from her own life experience and profiting from the dating/relationship drama of friends, she calls women/men out on their ridiculous behavior, sheds light on love/sex misconceptions, and entertains in the process. Read her two blogs at AccordingToJewels.com and Naughty-Nothings.net (an adult blog). She can be reached at [email protected].
Get on down here to post your questions and comments people! Let’s show Ms. Jewels your Ms. Cheevious support!
Love you people!!!!! Mmmmppphhhuuuhhhh!!!!
Ms. Cheevious
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All Blog content copyright 2012, LISA JEY DAVIS aka Ms. Cheevious
I think there should be a HNDP blogger get-together!
Haha course you do. That WOULD be a fun get together. I wonder how many 2nd generation bloggers would result? Thanks for stopping by Brandon. 😉
Half naked dance parties are the best! Music always pulls me from a funky mood, but then add getting up and movin’ and shakin’ with it? It’s brilliant!
They are awesome. I mean, do you ever feel as free as when nobody is around and you can just be silly goofy? If I could get paid to have half naked dance parties I’d never get dressed or work again!
Girl you can come on over to Ms. Cheevious-land and host a HNDP ANY time! Thanks so much you lovely girl you! Let’s share with all our peeps and get them rocking their best comments here! xoxo
You do realize I will move in with no clothing except bras and panties now…right? It was a blast being here and dancing around half naked in your house. Thanks for letting me borrow your speaker system! 😉
What, am I NEW? Of COURSE I realize! Mwahahaha! LOL
Girl you can come on over to Ms. Cheevious-land and host a HNDP ANY time! Thanks so much you lovely girl you! Let’s share with all our peeps and get them rocking their best comments here! xoxo
Ha! this is great! I’ve definitely engaged in half-naked dance parties. Great exercise; great way to gain confidence in your skivvies; and lots of fun. 🙂
@Neely – You had me at “skivvies”…LOL LOVE YOU! Thanks for visiting again! XO
haha Love the ‘skivvies”, too. It’s a great exercise even if you are drinking wine while doing it. 🙂
Just half naked? What happens if you drink more wine? Lol
@Kage – well I think I’d wager a bet that I know what happens. LOL
What a great idea! Sexy lingerie always makes me feel good about myself, and so does dancing. I’ll be putting them together more often after reading this post!
There really is no way to fail at a HNDP…they are always sexy and always fun. Enjoy!
One of the few good things about being divorced and no longer living with my ex-husband (or anyone for that matter) is that I get to have HNDPs any time I want! I love them! I think my neighbours think I’m a little mad but so what? I have company!
haha love that Sassy! YEAH So what! Keep calm and dance on baby…
Full-on sexy, chicky fun right there! I’ve only heard of gay men and women indulge in Half Naked Dance Party’s…the rest are seriously missing out! Jewels, you’ve inspired me. I’m going to have to introduce my daughter to the lost art of Panty Dancing! Never too young to start feeling great in your own skin!!!
Assuming a solo why half, but certainly understandable if platonic coed. Couldn’t resist checking the ‘adult blog.’ Found the throat-bite-guilt variation interesting and very mod. Gone from ritual cannibalism, to the Donner Party and downed aviators In Brazil, to vampirism, to face eaters, and to idiots on bath salts. My how we have progressed. Two bullets are not enough for our society at large or, maybe not needed at all. Fun blog!