I am quite aware – as evidenced by the posts on my Facebook profile and “Lisa Jey Davis” fan page – that people are wondering about my trip to New York City and where on earth this week’s blog post is. I am SORRRRRY people. I am in New York City, gallavanting around, and have left you all in the dust wondering what’s happened! How utterly selfish of me!
If you are new here – thanks for stopping by! I hope you come again, because today’s post is going to be brief! It’ll hopefully provide enough of a tease to get you back here, though!
Why brief? Well – sad to say folks – but my allergies took a turn for the worse, and have either turned into a full blown cold, or some god-awful infection! Blech! So, though I’ve wanted to dish about the fabulous time me and my man, M.C. Nugget are having, I’ve just had little to no energy left for computer time. It’s EXHAUSTING gallavanting around this city! So, I’m sending up a few smoke signals to wet your whistle.
P-O-O-F! We arrive in the Big Apple and proceed to a fantastic restaurant and on to a really great bar. I am a baaad girl. I drag the guys there and M.C. and I close the place down.
P-O-O-F! Football all day long at the wonderful Gin Mill on the upper west side. We rock our football pool (with 11 out of 14 – a really GREAT score by normal standards) and STILL manage to lose! How the heck does someone get 14 out of 16 in ONE WEEK? It was FIXED, I tell ya!
P-O-O-F! We meet M.C.’s lovely friend Michael Rose, and his partner David Morgan for coffee… They happen to be in town from London producing the play “A Steady Rain” – starring Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig – for which they provide fabulous seats and party admittance to M.C. and moi.
P-O-O-F! We attend the play, and no – we were not in the audience where the cell phone went off, and Hugh, staying in character and in Chicago accent, asked the person to answer the phone. You can see that little episode here, and notice how LONG the cell phone keeps ringing).
But the play is fabulously written, draws us in, and keeps our intrigue and interest for 90 minutes, with a simple stage, two guys and two chairs – and that’s it. We thoroughly enjoy it. Both actors are wonderful. The New York Times isn’t so nice. The are snooty and give a really bitchy review!
P-O-O-F! The party is phenominal. The food incredible, and unending. The bar is – well – a bar – and anything you wanted was FREE. Grey Goose? No problem. Fabulous Champagne? Yep! Cognac? Well, hang on there cowboy. BUT, believe it or not, I FORGET to get pictures with Hugh and Daniel, even though I our entire table is concerned about it and assists me in my search for them at the end of the night… all to no avail, however… I don’t even notice or say hi to Jeff Goldblum, whom I know, nor do I sneak any snap shots of all the other celebs in attendance. Ahhh… the life of a social butterfly, who also happens to be the writer of the fabulously fun and flirty Ms. Cheevious blog. It’s tough to stay on task! But next week, I will post a full album of photos I’ve collected from others. 🙂
P-O-O-F! Rest, running errands, meeting friends for drinks – one of which happens to be a casting director friend of M.C.’s. She and her boyfriend suggest that both M.C. and I come in for an audition the next day for a natural gas commercial! So, we do! Go figure. More on that one later. But I am a wreck during the entire fiasco. HA!
P-O-O-F! Tonight is our last night. More on THAT later too! 🙂
Have a wonderfully fun and warm, and inspiring weekend everyone!
Love you people! Mmmmmmphhhuhhhhh!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
PHEW! I am exhausted just hearing your schedule!
You have been busy chica! Ran in to a friend of a friend of yours here in Ia. filming a zombie movie. lets talk, i’ll dish and so can you!!! Feel better,Love you
What an exciting week! So sorry you got sick. It’s never convenient, is it?
I cannot believe you were right there with all thaf fabulous Hollywood/Broadway glamour and incredible handsomeness, and did NOT
get any pics!
You are such a cutie-patootie, funny girl. I love you bunches!
Blu: It was a bit tiring – but I am the Ever Ready Bunny when it comes to fun and social activity! Hee hee!
Laura: Do tell… Who do I know? 🙂
Closing bars down! THATS what I’m talking about.
Sounds like a fun trip. Dont keep us in suspense about the commercial.