Am I giving away my age to quote a song by Bread, “If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can’t I paint you?” Well, here it is boys and girls. You CAN paint me! Well – at least Google can.. I took the GOOGLE NAME challenge from LoveTips4All, Modobs and Vanessa. Here’s how it works:
1. ) Go to www.Google.com
2) Click on Google images
3) Type in your name and search
4) Repost (w/ a link) the picture of the oddest, craziest, strangest, coolest, oldest, etc. person that shares your name. Post multiples if you find a few you like. (See Below)
5) Pass it on to at least 5 other people.
Here’s what I did:
My full name is Lisa Jey Davis. A quick search pulled up my own pictures, so I was forced to go by any other derivative: Lisa J, Lisa J– (my birthname, which I won’t disclose), and just plain Lisa. I did not copy links, but simply the pictures, and I posted anything I found interesting:
Aside from the obvious famous Lisas out there (Ms. Pressley notwithstanding), I share a name with a VERY famous toon:
I am a very nice yacht:
Someone with my name shares my shoe fetish:
and someone was cruel enough to name a DOG after me!!!
It’s a cruel, cruel world. But I think I will stick with the photos that came up when searching my real name!!
Now I am suppose to share this item with 5 friends, but I am remiss to actually HAVE 5 more friends on wordpress! Enjoy it out there cyberworld. This post was a fun freebie! 🙂
Thank you for taking the tag, Lisa Jey! It was fun to read 🙂 People have really strange taste for naming their dog Lisa.