It’s what happens when you cross a fun-loving gal in headphones, listening to her favorite song, and a guy in just the right position!
I couldn’t let this one pass me by.
When I saw this on Facebook, I thought That is SO me.
I wouldn’t necessarily do this, now that I’m with M.C. Nugget, but you know? Maybe I would!
I searched high and low to share this with you.
LOVE THIS! You know, a little spanky never hurt nobody…. LOL! [you can tweet that here]
#MomFactor: A girl’s just gotta have fun and enjoy every moment. Just don’t let your kids see you do this. “Nuff said.
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Blog content copyright 2014, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious.
IN the continuing investigation of the Stumble problem..I just made an attempt directly from here, and it is the same!!!! very funny video, though
Yeah – same here. It’s an SU problem Pamela. BOOOOO. Thanks for stopping by though! 🙂
Sometimes that spur of the moment is just the catalyst one needs to make the day better. Thx for sharing.
LOLOLOL – you’re both so darn cute. I don’t even know what to say, but that I love the high ponytail look!
Well Elyse I am flattered you thought that was me and M.C. Nugget! But no… just a random GIF I saw online that is TOTALLY me in every other way. BAHAHAHA!
Hardly any words here…except if the genders were reversed, feminists especially would cry sexism and prejudice. Just sayin…
Ha James! That’s just like a guy to say such things… But honestly, in the demographic this would target, the girls wouldn’t care if it were reversed. The feminists would outcry, yes, but that would only make it go more viral and be silly. It’s all in fun and was probably staged. I just love how happy go lucky she is listening to her music. 🙂
I am SOOO walking around with my shoes untied!!!
HAHA – I KNOW you would Nuggie! LOL MWAH!!!
OMG is that YOU???? It sure looks like you HA!
Haha! Thanks but no!!! It’s not! #Flattered!
OMG that’s hilarious! I’m going in search of a hot guy bending over … wait a minute did I say that out loud? HAHAHHAHA
haha – yes you did lady! LOL!!! You’re secret’s safe with me! 🙂
OMG That’s hilarious! I love it and it’s so something I would do if the mood struck me! Gotta keep life fun and interesting haha
I thought you might get a kick out of it BSG!!! And I agree! Thanks! XO
Hahaha, ohhh, LOVE it! I would totally do that!!! If a guy did it to me, James, I would not cry sexism, I’d just play along!
Oh my too funny! This reminds me of when I bust out dance moves in the gym in the middle of my workout – I get some funny looks!
Me TOOOO!!! Great minds think….Or dance alike I suppose!
A little spanky is good for hanky panky! Such a funny gif! LOL
you got THAT right! 🙂
Just when I think your vid’s can’t get any funnier…they DO!!! OMG, woman! That was hilarious! Mischeevious, indeed!!!!!!
Oh how I wish that was us! LOL!!! thanks gorgeous!!! 🙂
Seize the moment… 🙂
Yes. Do it Kelly!
Awww Ha Ha ! Be neat if we could really get away with fun, innocent stuff like that! These days, she’d be facing jail time for just a little spanky!! LOL
Yep! Well… maybe not among younger people and especially from guys – but be careful people! Choose wisely! LOL