I was recently trying to describe the task it is to manage the number of online profiles I am responsible for. I explained it as such:
My days are FILLED with status posting, sharing, photographing interesting events or items, sharing those, responding, surfing the internet for useful tips for my followers and posting again – ALL ON MULTIPLE PLATFORMS FOR MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS.
Then I write blogs, and write articles for LiveStrong and Huffington Post. AND I WRITE BOOKS, YOU GUYS!!!
What I did NOT say is what that involves for certain specific accounts. There are “duties” I take care of almost every day which are extremely time consuming, and generally take about half of my work-day to complete.
I finally asked this question:
How do you think you would fare trying to create and manage an internet footprint like mine?
Just to give you an idea, I keep all of my online passwords in a password-protected Word document. This document is 39 (YES, THIRTY-NINE) pages long.
Here are the social media platforms I maintain a presence for. Let’s hope this stuff starts to pay-off in GREENBACKS, un-kay? The pay-off has already begun, so I’m not too worried. It just takes diligence.
(Feel free to follow any of these. Get busy, unless you plan to do what Cady McClain advises in her blog, in which case, you are absolved).
Before you read any further, full disclosure: I CHEAT.
USEFUL TOOL: MUCH of the regular work I do on Twitter is done through a huge control panel called TWEETDECK (which allows you to add multiple Twitter accounts, as well as columns tracking hashtags, lists of followers (as in “MsCheevious Fans” or whatever). Others use HootSuite or Gremlin to do the same thing, but I like TweetDeck. It enables me to have conversations and reply to people without logging in and out of various accounts, and I can tweet LIVE from any of those accounts easily from within the control panel.
SCHEDULING STATUS UPDATES & TWEETS: Additionally I use an automated scheduling service called SENDIBLE.COM which enables me to schedule in advance any tweets, pinterest photos, youtube videos, blog posts, facebook posts, google plus status and photos, pretty much ANYTHING I WANT TO POST. This is tremendous if utilized properly. Twitter will not allow you to tweet the same thing more than once every 12 hours, nor should you. But with Sendible, I can schedule interesting articles related to my brand to go out once every couple of months or so (and for up to a year or so, depending on relevance) (for MsCheevious the brand may be: Flirtiness, Sassy Mommy tips, Dating, Relationships. LisaJey: Fitness, Relationships, Health. Jey Associates: Best PR Practices, etc), and this makes my life so much easier. Also if networking friends ask for me to help them promote an event, I can do short term scheduling in one sitting. I have done GREAT things with this scheduler, including increasing my internet presence, helping others, who in turn help me. And I have WON SOME EXCEPTIONAL PRIZES with my mad social media skills. Just sayin’.
Monday: Tweet MondayBlogs for my blog/author friends. Retweet all applicable. Do all of the (My days are filled with) duties listed above!
Tuesday: Do all of the (My days are filled with) duties listed above!
Wednesday: Tweet Dating Blogger posts for and with my dating/relationship blogger friends. Grab photos from blog posts, copy, paste and share in each tweet if possible. Retweet all applicable. Do all of the (My days are filled with) duties listed above! Woman Crush Wednesday if time.
Thursday: Do all of the (My days are filled with) duties listed above! Throwback Thursday if time.
Friday: Follow Friday reciprocation, and responses. Do all of the (My days are filled with) duties listed above! I do not do #flashbackfriday here because too much going on with #FollowFriday and #FF (unless I am inspired).
Accounts I manage:
@LisaJey (me)
@MsCheevious (me)
@EmceeNug (my beau)
@CLIENT (Actor, Tom Schanley – mainly just responses, follows, retweets and sending occasional news tweets)
@MY_SISTER (Judy Sherwood Graphic Design)
@MY_BUSINESS (Jey Associates)
@ONE_OF_MY_OTHER_BIZ_ACCTS (Red Carpet Xpress)
Monday: Issue MondayBlogs post on networking group’s wall. Copy their tweets to Twitter and share their posts on all other profiles. Do all of the (My days are filled with) duties listed above! Visit author networking groups and vote on Amazon reviews, goodreads lists, like pages, tweet special announcements and so on for members of the group.
Tuesday: Do all of the (My days are filled with) duties listed above! Visit author networking groups and vote on Amazon reviews, goodreads lists, like pages, tweet special announcements and so on for members of the group.!
Wednesday: Visit Dating Blogger group for new blog posts to read/share/comment on. Visit blogger’s “pages” to share posts onto FB from there. Do all of the (My days are filled with) duties listed above! Woman Crush Wednesday if time. Visit author networking groups and vote on Amazon reviews, goodreads lists, like pages, tweet special announcements and so on for members of the group.
Thursday: Do all of the (My days are filled with) duties listed above! Throwback Thursday if time. Visit author networking groups and vote on Amazon reviews, goodreads lists, like pages, tweet special announcements and so on for members of the group.
Friday: Do all of the (My days are filled with) duties listed above! Flashback Friday if time. Visit author networking groups and vote on Amazon reviews, goodreads lists, like pages, tweet special announcements and so on for members of the group.
Each day, if anyone of my networking group members needs a special favor, I try to do it for them: share an important announcement, share about an event, help them block an abusive commenter on HuffPost, whatever. It is all reciprocal, and they also reciprocate when I need a favor.
My Accounts (follow these too!):
My Personal Profile – FOLLOW my public posts!
Tom Schanley (client. Tom also helps manage his, so this one is easy, peasy.)
Just assume all of the rest of these platforms below require all of the same work, but here are a few details and the accounts I have for each:
ALL OF THE SAME AS FACEBOOK, IN ADDITION TO SOME COOL GOOGLE+ ONLY CONTENT – FUN PHOTOS, JOKES, AND MORE (without the networking groups. I simply post FB networking group posts and such to G+ in addition to everywhere else).
I am in a Tribe that “Tweets” and Stumbles EVERY.SINGLE.BLOG.POST we write. But it too is reciprocal. I must also go and share, share, share all of the tribe members’ posts as well!
This one is unique in that you do not necessarily “SHARE” people’s posts. You “like” and comment, and hopefully they “like” and comment in return. People can subscribe to users. FEEL FREE TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNELS. I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER.
Before getting likes or comments, however, you must RECORD, EDIT and POST videos that are watch-worthy. Many of these accounts do not have recent content, because they haven’t proven to be super beneficial.
LINKEDIN <=== click there to follow Lisa Jey Davis
Lisa Jey Davis (Feel free to “like” this!)
I’m probably missing some obvious ones. There are brand new accounts I didn’t bother to mention as I’ve joined and am yet to engage.
The following are sites I do not do much that is LIVE and in person. Some are platforms that other sites (like Instagram or others) will auto-post to if you want them to. If you’d like to follow me on any of these platforms, contact me to get my profile address!
Register to receive these posts once a week by email and get my eBook “Ahhhhh…Haaaaaa Moments with Ms. Cheevious” for FREE as a result. Registration is on the right side bar of every blog post, or on our Facebook page. See you next time.
Blog content copyright 2014, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious.