Warning guys: This post is all about girl problems. But if you’re a guy, and you ever want to be with a woman, you might as well become comfortable with girly issues right now. I’m happy to help.
The other night, M.C. Nugget and I were thoroughly enjoying ourselves at a 70’s party, dancing up a storm to our favorite tunes of the decade (it’s not because we’re old enough to have favorite tunes from that era… really… it’s because we are cool and cultured), and mixing cocktails or noshing on Lay’s potato chips with sour cream and onion dip. Suddenly, I interrupted our far-out rituals, when I felt something strange going on down the back side of my pants and asked our hostess to point me in the direction of the lady’s room.
(This was me as “Stace” for the 70’s dance party. Nuggie was “Dig” and looked fabulous)
I was wearing white pants, so I am sure some of the guests wondered if I was experiencing what every single female dreads: a visit by cousin “Flo.” You and I both know I don’t have visits from cousin Flo any more because of my surgery and stuff, but most days I act about 25 years old, and some of those days I think I even look it (especially when I don’t have my glasses on… man I look good). So I can totally understand why they’d immediately go there.
But no. What sent me scampering off to the restroom just before I was able to unleash my best disco move to the chorus of “We Are Family” by Sister Sledge, was the fact I felt that something had gone awry with my estrogen patch (which was stuck to my tush).
I’m going to interrupt this titillating tale to educate you for a moment on hormone patches. They’re “all the rage” of hormone delivery systems because they go through your skin, bypassing your liver and your metabolism. They’re supposed to be uber sticky so that even if you take a shower or sweat, they remain in place and do their job. One of the newest versions, the Vivelle Dot (of which, I do not use, because I would have to sell my first born child in order to afford a single month’s supply, and my first born child is all grown up and wouldn’t be too thrilled about that) pretty much does exactly what it says it will do (I know this because I got a one-time free month’s supply and tried it). I could wear those babies in the hot tub, and they would stay in place. They say the hormones are centralized on the patch, so even if water gets in and the patch lifts off around the edges, it’ll keep doing its job. I never had a single issue with them. There are a number of other great things about those super expensive, fabulous patches – like the fact they’re about the size of a nickel and deliver both the estrogen and the progesterone needed. Awesome.
The other VERY IMPORTANT thing to note is that all of these patches, no matter what brand, must be handled with extreme care. They are very clear on the directions that once you open the patch you are NOT TO TOUCH the sticky side with your fingers. If you do, you might explode, and you’re supposed to torch the patch, do a voodoo dance and throw it away, starting over with a new patch (they only give you enough for one month, by the way. There are no spares).
Long story short, I use a generic patch. It’s cheaper and it’s covered by my insurance (as long as my doctor can write an impressive enough letter explaining succinctly that I may kill them all if they don’t cover it). So you guys, I have a patch the size of my entire butt cheek on my ass!!! And it only delivers the estrogen, so I have to remember to take a nightly pill to get the progesterone I need!! These are first world problems, but they’re real problems people.
That stupid generic patch (made by Mylan) had been giving me problems all week (I replace these patches weekly). I noticed from the beginning, if I so much as got a direct drop of water on that thing in the shower, it would lift all the way off. Well, when I got to the restroom the other night, I found the patch in a complete state of disarray. It wasn’t only lifted off or moved. It was rolled up into a little estrogen burrito! STICKY SIDE OUT!!!
I was more pissed off than anything. Talk about hormonal.
So, Ignoring every DO NOT TOUCH warning, I unrolled that puppy and flattened it back down with annoyed determination, thinking
Dammit. The Doobie Brothers are on and I’m unrolling my estrogen burrito…
Some things read can never be unread. There was the warning to the guys but I ignored it. (Must learn to listen to inner-self more often!)
HAHA!! Now that was funny Bob! Care to do a guest post here? LOL
HeHe….. I think the estrogen burrito might be under performing right now. What’s up with no spares? Now THAT is serious!
hahaha Onisha! I actually love writing about my hormones, because I can be just as snarky and annoyed as I want, and everyone thinks I’m just a victim, at the mercy of my hormone replacement therapy. LOL!!! Thanks for the vote of confidence for my otherwise kind and sweet nature. LOL
Maybe the problem was the 70s music. Nah. Would’ve been worse with 80s.
you know scott… they *were* playing some 80’s mixed in with the 70’s… that probably WAS it. haha
Ugh… I can imagine how annoying that is… though I also imagined the white pants issue as well with Aunt Flo. You just educated me on something I had not thought about – I didn’t know about the patch… something else to look forward to… sigh…
Yeah – it’s more of an inconvenience than anything else Elyse. You can handle this when the time comes. NO PROB.
You did warn guys this may not be for them, but I read it anyway. Just wanted to say that judging by the pictures I have seen of you, the patch that covers your “entier butt cheek” is probably only the size of a Pringles “potato” chip. Not sure why you are complaining about that!! Hahaha!
When your ass is the size of a pringle, and so is the patch, THIS is when there are issues my friend. But I’d say it’s more like a small tortilla. HAHA
Will never think about estrogen patches in the same way again…not that I thought about them much before, to be honest. If I ever marry, I will know to leave this subject well alone….
NOT THE DOOBIE BROTHERS!!!! Those are grounds for a lawsuit against MYLAN. How dare they mess with the Doobie Brothers. BUT maybe if the song was this it was appropriate:
Don’t you feel it growin’, day by day (the patch)
People gettin’ ready for the news
Some are happy, some are sad (rolled into a burrito)
Oh, we got to let the music play
What the people need
Is a way to make ’em smile (your face once again with the burrito FLATTENED)
It ain’t so hard to do if you know how
Gotta get a message
Get it on through
Oh, now mama’s go’n’ to after ‘while
Oh, oh, listen to the music
Oh, oh, listen to the music
Oh, oh, listen to the music
All the time
Damn straight Judy! haha… love your improv of the Doobies!!!
The Nugg aka “Digg” here..
The problem with having a funny talented writer as your Hottie-Domestic-Partner is that those things that men are usually blissfully ignorant of… well… You’re not blissfully ignorant of!! Damn it!!
Mwahahaha!!! Glad I could help Nuggie baby!
Have to admit there’s nothing like an estrogen burrito to ruin the funky vibe of an evening! I love the comments from the men…they truly have no idea how much fun {and by fun I mean pain in the ass, literally sometimes} it is to be a girl!
Truth Marrie! It’s no picnic being women… so once again… I’m here to bridge the gap between the sexes and make sure everyone is aware! LOL