Need I say more? If you’ve read my blog for some time, you’ll know what this is all about. I once wrote about the differences between steak and – ehem – shrimp. But that part is only important if you remember it. If not, this is just hilarious anyway…
Many of you have seen the Panda Express commercials – the ones where the two Pandas repeatedly try to steal Panda Express food? Well, there is a new one of them hunting for shrimp in the deep blue sea. One of that commercial’s incarnations can be found on by searching “Panda Express Shrimp Commercial”.
I tried to find the one with BOTH pandas, but alas, it’s nowhere to be found as of yet on the internet.
Since MC Nugget (my man, for you newbies) and I are KNOWN for hunting for the best, yummiest SHRIMP, I figured this one was a shoe in.

Too funny.
I’m working my way up to Redding, CA this weekend to visit with Maven, her hubby and son. They just recently moved there and require my expert design services… but of course, dahhhhling.
M.C. may join if the two or three gigs he is after do not pan out… I’ll keep you posted.
Soon, however, as promised, I’ll provide shots from the Oscar Gifting Suites and fesitivities. Just waiting on them from the event people!
Have a marvelous weekend my lovely boys and girls. And don’t let those yummy shrimp get away!
Love you people! Mmmmmmphhhhuuuhhhhh!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious