I’m nauseous already. Sorry.
But I’m being real here! And at the same time, I’m waxing metaphoric.
The Realness? My battle to lose 11 pounds has now spanned over two months, and though I’ve managed to dodge the bullet, if you will, when it comes to gaining weight on weigh-in days, I’ve not managed to reach my goal yet. All in good time ladies and gentlemen. All in good time.
The Metaphor? It’s all in the week I’m having! Or month. Or season? It’s been so crazy – in a fantastic way. My business (going from running full board to gangbusters in just about three months) is ever growing – something I’ve intended for quite some time. My writing career has gone from non-existent to something to speak of – which didn’t happen really until I finally took the advice of the astrologist at the Ebony Magazine / Essence Awards After Party held at Merlin’s in the Universal City Walk back in 2002, who said “You are a writer. You should write. Now.” – okay, so it’s not a totally reliable source, but hey, it got me writing. (I just got an email from a hot mommy’s website asking me to do a column – won’t say much more until it’s official, but that’s AWESOME). It’s almost more than I could have imagined. Well, almost.
So, why does the picture above suddenly appear in my blog? Well, that is Heather Headley. You should look her up. She is actually a FANTASTIC vocalist. She is somewhat of a Diva (at least it seemed that way to me), but she is the reason I was even AT the Ebony Magazine party that year. I was dating her manager, but that is a whole OTHER story. HA!
In case you are new here – welcome! I’ve been on this lonnnnnng, drawn out quest to shed a few pounds and get back to a healthy eating lifestyle, and I’ve taken my peeps along with me on the roller coaster ride. I’ve had some challenges, but all in all, it’s been pretty simple I think. Once you put your mind to something, I am convinced you can achieve anything. Yep. Anything.
So, on to the reasons for some of my YO YO – isms:
I’m buying a condo in Los Angeles.
Or am I? No, yes I am. Well, I am trying to. DO YOU SEE what I mean? Yes. No. Yes. Buy Right Now. Don’t Buy Right Now. Hurry. Wait. It’s dizzying! I had two condos in mind that I liked, after my last trip out to LA. The one I was leaning toward sold. Sounds simple enough, right? Buy the other one, right? No, it’s not so simple. The let-down on the first condo – it was soooo cool – coupled with some things my worry-wart Realtor said about the shaky market and when I should strategically make my offer on a property, made me rethink everything.
So. Here’s the lowdown on my dizziness: I’m in Aspen. I’m going to Moab in a few days. Then I go to Grand Junction, Colorado with my boyfriend to celebrate his birthday – woo hoo – Grand Junction (don’t ask – it was my idea, and I’m sticking to it). Then I’m flying to Albuquerque to spend time with my mom. I need to be with her. I’ll be there a few days, then I fly back out to LA to hunt some condos down. Then I go back to Albuquerque to spend more time with mom. Then I’ll be back in Moab. Then we (my boyfriend and I) go to Aspen to pack up that condo. Then we are moving all of my belongings to GOD ONLY KNOWS WHERE.
Stop. Start. Stop.
Travel. Stay.
Shave. Grow.
Sneeze. Don’t.
I just threw that last one in to shake things up a bit, and see if you were reading. Don’t you hate when you need to sneeze, and suddenly it’s just GONE?
Well, anyway – here are my health quest results for this week. I have to say that considering the following:
Easter (fantastic brunch at the St. Regis Hotel in Aspen)
PMS (can you say “monthly bloat?”)
My friend Tanya came to visit for a couple of nights to PAR-TAY in Aspen
My twelve year old son came to Aspen to snowboard and take a vacay, which meant eating out and movies and popcorn.
Considering all that, I did not do so bad!
Start Date: Thursday January 31, 2007
Height: 5′ 5″
Goal: 125 lbs
Beginning weight: 136 lbs
Weight after week 1: 132.5 lbs (02.07.08)
Weight after week 2: 130 lbs (02.14.08)
Weight after week 3: 130 lbs (02.21.08)
Weight after week 4: unknown – no scale! yippee! (02.28.08)
Weight after week 5: 128 lbs (03.06.08)
Weight after week 6: 127.5 lbs (03.13.08)
Weight after week 7: 127.5 lbs (03.20.08)
Weight after week 8: 128 lbs (03.27.08)
Net Loss / Gain this week: + .5 lbs
TOTAL Net Loss: 8.0 lbs
Time to buckle down and get back on track. No more Mister Nice Guy. For those of you who read this and think ‘Wow, it just seems so hard,’ don’t. It’s not that hard. I just underwent a brief stage of the “Cutsies,” as a wise Weight-Watchers counselor once told me. We get a few pounds off, and we start to think, ‘Hey! I’m lookin’ pretty good. Now I can eat whatever I want!’ But the really successful people – of course I AM one of those – stick with it, and don’t get discouraged, realizing it’s all part of the journey. You’re Up. You’re Down. Physically, Mentally, Spiritually. Don’t give up, or you won’t experience the bliss of success.
So! I’m excited about the coming months and years ahead for me (and my lovely man), even though I’ve now added even more travel to my future, and it will be hectic and crazy at times. Can you believe my man actually agreed to go on this wild ride with me? He doesn’t even like Los Angeles! He must really love me. By the way – let’s wish him a Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday to him! He’s an April Fool’s baby. What does that tell ya? That he is a fool for love? Well, that works for me. He IS a love! Mmmmphhhhuuuuhhh!
Now Let’s Talk About You: I actually don’t mind it so much when life gets hectic and crazed. How about you? How do you handle things when your world gets tossled up a bit? We’d all love to hear how you glide through life with chaos in your wings. How you do so with charm, grace and sophistication. Oh, and be sure to let us know if you are 40+ years or older, and haven’t a wrinkle to show for it. (ha ha)
Also, do you think I am being too easy on myself? Should I have LOST weight this week? It was “all so easy” in the beginning. Do you think I should just buckle down, go postal on my body and LOSE THE LAST STINKIN’ THREE POUNDS ALREADY? Please feel free to leave me a nice, friendly reply. (ha ha)
Blog content copyright 2008, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
WHEW – it wore me out just READING this! ha ha- but keep up the good work – you will WIN in the end!
I have found and verified! You have 2 choices when it comes to doing things! You do them, or you don’t! Trying is an imaginary ideal.
Lately I have thought it was wonderful that I now able to deal with chaos and strees much easier. I thought at first it was that I was getting older, wiser, and more patient with age. Turns out I just don’t give a S__t anymore! Amazing how far you can get with a grin and silence!
don’t give up, whatever you do. it’ll be worth it in the end. good job so far! and good luck in your travels and adventures!
Wak: I get tired just thinking of it. You should have seen me after I wrote it. I’ve been toast ever since! lol
Maybell: thanks. I think in addition to my “cutsies” I too (like Robert, above) think I just don’t give a sh*t as much right now, as I am so maxed out with other things. You know – bigger fish to fry than those last three pounds right now? But I’ll keep plugging away and I won’t give up. Thanks for the encouragement. It helps!
Robert: Thanks for the encouragement! HA!
Hi there! Sounds like you’ve got quite a full plate…er, schedule.
I can appreciate the condo woes. I am feeling the pressure to buy buy buy.
Good luck with the continued trimming; I’ve no doubt you already look fantastic and will just be fine tuning/toning.
Hmm, I usually relax with some alone time or by writing or playing the piano.
Or I run until I’m worn out and can’t really do much but sit down.
Hey R! It’s been a while! Thanks for the encouragement! I can relate: alone time, piano (well, I haven’t played in years but it use to relax me – haha) and now yoga for me. Good luck to you in your condo trials (that was lawyer-speak for your benefit) 🙂
Ah, condo trials. Yes, very nice. 😉
I’ve never tried yoga. I just …can’t see myself doing it.
R – if you try yoga, and actually get pretty good at it – I promise you.. You WILL see yourself doing it. ha ha Yoga is the best way to release stress and attachments and so many things that crowd our lives. I love it.
Somehow, I don’t think putting me in a room full of limber women is going to help me clear out the things that crowd my brain.
But I suppose I’ll try anything once.
Can’t I just go fishing or something?
Ha ha. Well fishing works too, I suppose.