2. What is the point of a fattening salad? Interestingly, just yesterday there were news reports of how fattening even a Chicken Caesar salad can be – all the calories, salt and fat grams allowed for the entire day! What is THAT about? And you thought you were being “good” to forgo a cheese burger for that. Fuhhhgetttabowdit! You may as well skip it and go straight for the mountain of supreme nachos or the mound of sweet potato french fries. Listen – in MY mind, mixed greens and veggies on a salad ought to cancel out the calories and fat grams from the candied walnuts, gorgonzola cheese and decadent dressing. Geez, the chewing alone ought to cancel them out. They don’t, and it doesn’t.
3. I love the word “prolix.” Extra points if you know what it means, and if you can tell me why I love it. Think about it. No wise-cracks either. It’s time to use your minds boys and girls (and make sure they are your clean, innocent minds from your childhood).
Oh, guess what? You’ve just been treated to the second Ms. Cheevious LIST installment — ever! The first, if you recall was when I wrote about Sir Tab – remember? Ahhh, is this what meeting knew people does to me? This is very interesting. Hmmmmm.
If you are new here, welcome – and congratulations for taking a walk on the wild side. I promise, I won’t hurt you – at least not intentionally.
Love you people! Mmmmphhhuuuhhhhh!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2008, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
What is the point of providing a link to IMDB if you aren’t going to show us the real Fred the Wonder Chicken! Such a tease! You took us STRAIGHT to the definition of Prolix, I must say – and then leave us hanging here! What gives? ha ha
1. You’d BETTER give some additional examples of FWC work!
2. Caesar Salad sucks anyway!
3. (of a person) given to speaking or writing at great or tedious length. And this because you are SOOOO long winded! HA!
oohh. you are good Mave! And Misty – sorry – no dice. ha ha. Better examples? Hmmm… I’ll let FWC speak to that, should he so desire (and if he ever reads this blog!!!)
hmm..interesering…i prefer tacos.
yeah – you and 20 million other people. I love tacos! But I actually prefer a really yummy salad most of the time – it depends on my day. But you girly girl – you need those tacos so you don’t blow away – all 85 pounds of you! 🙂
1. Interesting, interesting. I think I’ve discovered who this man is. Does this mean I should expect you to come kill me now?
2. You know what I like on top of my salad? A nice cheeseburger.
3. Blogging in a list is the way to go. Screw segues. Who needs ’em. I coined the term “listyle” for it. I can’t be bothered to connect two of my thoughts because I can’t remember how I got from one to the other.
As for ‘prolix’ – yes, that’s a good word! As for why you like it, I admit, my mind went there.
I like the word ‘grandiloquent’ because simply using the word is the very action of being grandiloquent.
Hope all is well, pretty lady. 😉
1. Sorry to have to put it like this, but your days are numbered. My thugs will determine whether you really do know what you say, and if so – well, it’s been nice knowing you. xx
2. Yum – cheeeeez burgers…
3. I LIKE prolixity – remember? That’s why I hardly ever do these lists. Writing lists are a challenge for me. Just keeping them short and to the point takes more time for me than putting it all out there. The reason I like lists, however, is because I can cover some totally random, unconnected thoughts – which can be fun as well. But grandiloquent? Why, thank you. heh heh…
Still – I haven’t changed my mind. It’s been nice knowing you. xoxo